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Obi-Wan and Anakin Comic Book Review

Obi-Wan and Anakin Comic Book Review


Marvel’s Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin was written by Charles Soule. The art was done by Marco Checchetto. This story takes place several years after The Phantom Menace, during a time of peace. Anakin Skywalker and his abilities in the force, have proven to be far superior than the norm. Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to answer a distress call in he far reaches of the galaxy.


SUMMARY: Obi-Wan and Anakin crash-land on Carnelion IV, so much debris littered the upper atmosphere. Anakin is a bit concerned, but it’s shrugged off by Kenobi, who’s more focused on he mission than a way off world. The Jedi received a distress call, it’s broadcast is reminiscent of the phrasing used by Jedi, centuries ago!

Anakin wants to leave the order! In a flashback we see that the other padawan(s) make fun of him, talking about him like he isn’t right beside them. Anakin is skilled with a lightsaber, even manipulating the training droid to appear as the Sith, Darth Maul. Palpatine is witness to some lightsaber training, and speaks with Mace Windu, insisting that he, the Chancellor, spends time with Anakin.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: The first issue was pretty good. My eyebrows lifted pretty high when I read that Anakin wanted out of the Jedi Order. Thought it was a little over the line how Anakin reacts to the kids teasing him. It’s also a bit creepy how Palpatine requests Anakin’s presence… comes off as a chomo…. child-molester.

The art is pretty cool. I liked seeing Anakin and Kenobi pull a crashing ship toward them, reminded me of the old video game, Force Unleashed, but on a smaller scale.


SUMMARY: In this issue, we witness some of the feud between the open and be closed, the opposing sides on Carnelion IV. Anakin struggles to manipulate the force in some weak-minded creatures, then does what he does best… slaughter them.

We get another flashback, showing creepy old Palpatine taking Anakin to the lower levels of Coruscant. Flashing forward to the current situation on Carnelion, three individuals are now part of the Jedi party. Two ladies are the Open faction, and one guy is from the Closed. They must work together to find safety, to be on the ground on Carnelion, is dangerous.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: The story picks up pretty nice, though this is only issue #2, the series is fast paced and feels like we’re moving along. I’m grossed out by the creepy Palpatine and Anakin thing. I’d prefer their meet ups to occur under situational circumstances, set up by Palpatine. The weird appointment thing is just weird. How could Kenobi and Windu not feel… dirty?


SUMMARY: The Jedi and the natives are flying above the Celadon Sea, avoiding the dangers below. The two women from the Open faction, learn that Anakin is an excellent mechanic, good at fixing just about anything. They have him fix up a few devices they’ve been holding on to. Then, everything gets crazy!

There’s a flashback with the pervy senator talking to Anakin, still down on the lower levels of Coruscsnt. Palpatine tells of how the government is full of low life’s and dirty politicians. Hey even spot one of these politicians, gambling. Palpatine is secretly testing Anakin’s judgment.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Not a bad issue. I was intrigued with the Palpatine and Anakin bit this time. I’m enjoying how the story keeps having flashbacks… sometimes flashbacks are boring, this comic handles them well.

I do have a problem with some of the “current” time stuff. Not so much the story, but the art. I had to look back a few times to understand what some of the characters were talking about, I couldn’t tell what was happening. Other than that, good issue


SUMMARY: The source of the distress signal was found! The natives that were with the Jedi had dark intentions, explaining why they were willing to work together! Anakin was taken as a prisoner to the Open factions home base in the mountains. His handiwork allowed for the Open’s war machines to be reactivated!

In the flashback, Palpatine tells Anakin to keep where they went and what they did a secret. He asks if Anakin is ready to leave the order, and if he ever did, he’d have a job for Anakin.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I’m digging this comic run. I find it a little weird that Anakin wants to leave the order. I was pleased with the fee reveals and plot points of this issue. I’ve been really curious since issue one about who sent the distress call. I’m not disappointed.


SUMMARY: Kenobi is with the scavenger, the person who sent the distress call. Anakin is left with the youth of the Open while the adults seek out the scavenger to destroy her. A battle ensues between the Open and Closed! Anakin must escape and reach Kenobi!

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Okay… so the last issue got pretty lame. Anakin knows the whole story about the scavenger and the war, manages to turn the youth on their beliefs (somewhat). This story got a bit cheesy with the, “kids can change everything, because adults are stupid.” The scavenger lady who wanted peace, suddenly blames the Jedi for certain events.

Do I recommend you read Marvel’s Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin? I don’t want to say no… but I don’t want to say yes. It’s a quick series to read, entertaining, but be ready for a quick and horrible ending.

RATING: I will give the Obi-Wan & Anakin series a C

Darth Vader: Imperial Machine Comic Book

Darth Vader: Imperial Machine Comic Book


Marvel’s Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith: Imperial Machine Vol. 1 was written by Charles Soule. Art was done by Giuseppe Camuncoli. The story kicks off immediately after Revenge of the Sith.


SUMMARY: We start in the med bag where Vader rises from the operating table beside newly crowned Emperor Palpatine. After hearing the devastating news of Padmè, Vader lashes out on rage. He destroys the room with the force, even shoving and holding (with force grip) Darth Sidious.

Vader learns his place with the Emperor rather quickly. He is set on the task of finding a lightsaber. That means, he must hunt down a Jedi, kill them, and take the saber for himself. Once acquired, he must bleed the blade.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Pretty cool first issue. Would have been really cool to see the some of the stuff that happened here, on the big screen. I’m excited to see where this comic takes us with Vader.

Only issue I have with he issue, the set. Something is off with the design of the Emperor.


SUMMARY: Out in the mid rim, at the Jedi outpost, clone troopers are following orders by taking inventory and packing up Jedi artifacts. Some are complaining that the job is far too tedious. Those thoughts fled when a ship suddenly approached and blasted arc fighters to bits.

Vader was on the search for a Jedi to slay,so he could take his opponents lightsaber. Too bad for Vader, no Jedi were at the Brighthouse outpost, just some clone troopers. So, Vader just kills them all.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: The issue was ok, nothing too cool. Funny seeing how some of the troops were talking about wanting to be the Emperors Royal Guard. They heard rumors that the clones war time was nearly over. I hope we learn more about that in the series, I can’t recall a place in canon that that has been clarified.


SUMMARY: Vader has discovered the location of a former Jedi, one who has taken the Barash vow. Master Infil’a, he’s located in the Mid-Rim on the River Moon of Al’doleem. He keeps his mind and skills sharp, meditating and practicing his fighting skills with a training droid.

Vader crash lands his ship after Infil’a launches metallic objects at the spacecraft. Vader leaves the ship to his droid, so he may find and fight the Barash Jedi.

They meet. And what happens next is crazy.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This issue was intense and crazy. Infil’a is a beast! I like that he’s been keeping his skills up. I’m somewhat surprised by Vader’s incompetence… then again, he just went through a ton of crap and probably hasn’t fully adjusted to his suit and robotic limbs.

This issue takes his series to the next level. Vader has a hefty challenge ahead of him.


SUMMARY: After Vader’s assumed defeat, Infil’a goes out of seclusion and into the city where his Jedi starship has been kept in storage. His plan is to seek out Vader’s master and destroy him. As Infil’a waits for tune-ups to be made before he can leave, he senses Vader again. Stunned, he leaves the hanger to find Vader atop a river dam, looking down on the city below.

Round two begins. Vader unleashes his rage, making the dam faulty… and the city drowns.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Dang, Vader’s mechanical skills save him. Love how he makes his comeback. He had no mercy! Didn’t see him killing an entire city’s population, that was shocking. He was successful in obtaining a lightsaber, I really hope we get to see him bleed the blade. I’d rather see something like that in a film, but I’ll take it in a comic!


SUMMARY: Vader gets back to his ship and is given the next mission in his quest to the dark side. Return to Mustafar and absorb the darkness and pain. He must twist the force energy within the kyber crystal of his fallen enemies lightsaber…make it bleed. This is how the Sith turn their blade, red.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This was quick issue with few words. I really enjoyed it. We have Vader doubting his role! He has a vision of what’s to come, depending on the path he chooses. I loved the image when Vader returns to Palpatine and how he handles the Royal Imperial guards.


SUMMARY: Darth Vader is in the Med Bay, soaking a bacta tank, when Palpatine tells him he needs to modify his suit to his own liking. Vader does, and is then sent to stop an intruder at the Jedi temple! Turns out this intruder was a set up by Palpatine. An introduction to the Grand Inquisitor. The Inquisitors are another tool of the Sith master, used to hunt and destroy the remaining Jedi.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I’m guessing Vader’s suit was torn to shreds the first few issues was because the droids that made it didn’t do a good job. With Vader’s tinkering, making improvements, I’m also guessing that’s why we probably won’t see another seriously damaged Vader suit.

I don’t like the Inquisitors. It doesn’t seem traditional or smart for the Sith to create a team of warriors with force sensitivity and skills with a lightsaber. I’d be worried they’d turn on me!

This issue wraps the first arch in the Vader series Imperial Machine.

So do I recommend that you read the Star Wars: Darth Vader – Imperial Machine? Yes. It was pretty awesome seeing what exactly happened after Lord Vader was placed in the black suit.

RATING: I give the Imperial Machine arc an A.

Phasma Comic Book Review

Phasma Comic Book Review


The Marvel Phasma Trade Paperback takes place after The Force Awakens. The writer was Kelly Thompson, Letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles, and the artist was Marco Checchetto.


SUMMARY: With only six minutes remaining until Starkiller Base is fully charged, Captain Phasma breaks free of the garbage shoot she was tossed in to. She heads strait to a computer terminal and deletes the data records of her betrayal, the evidence that she was the one who lowered the defensive shields.

She does a quick search to see if anyone had possibly seen that she was the one responsible… Phasma finds that Lieutenant Sol Rivas had logged into the system.

Phasma begins her hunt for Rivas, as she actually begins an eye witness record of the final events of Starkiller Base.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Wow I have lost all respect for Phasma. I never really had any for her in the first place. She’s a rough character with a crazy past. She’ll do anything to get ahead… to win. I don’t know why I’m so shocked by her cowardice and outright betrayal of the first order. She’s actually falsifying the records to clear her as the subject who lowered the defensive shield.

The art in this book is very nice. It’s cool seeing the Starkiller Base destruction in a comic. I also like how the comic starts where we end the First Orders appearance in The Force Awakens. In the film we just saw the Resistance.


SUMMARY: Phasma escapes Starkiller Base with TIE-pilot TN-3465. His ship had issues and can’t fire. A BB unit is on board, it was attempting to repair the ship before Phasma ordered the take off. They follow Sol Rivas to the planet, Luprora.

Once there, Phasma finds that Rivas has left his TIE. There’s evidence in her tracking that there was a scuffle involving Rivas. She will not assume he’s dead. She needs to see his lifeless body.

There are natives on the planet. Phasma and TN-3465 find an empty hut with clothing. And change, to disguise themselves. They meet with the natives and learn about them and learn that there are dangerous creatures called the R’ora… they may have taken Lieutenant Rivas.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Phasma was pretty lucky TN-3465 had some issues with her TIE-Fighter, otherwise she would have been doomed on Starkiller Base. This issue wasn’t that great. I understand and like the idea that Captain Phasma needs to take out the Lieutenant, but when we get into the whole giant monster thing… it gets lame.

The people think Phasma was sent by the gods to help them… Not a fan of this issue, now Phasma is to become a monster slayer?


SUMMARY: In this issue, Captain Phasma and TN-3465 abandon their undercover garb and put their First Order uniforms back on. They are taken to a ship that was used by the natives a long time ago, a ship that got them to the planet Luprora. She comes up with a plan to turn the ship into a weapon against the giant sea monsters, who are an obstacle in her way of reaching Rivas.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Don’t like it. Don’t like how this is going. Why would giant sea monsters want Rivas? Neat that they used the ship as an electrical weapon to kill the monsters. There was a weird flashback/memory form Phasma, seemed out of character, especially when she calls her pilot Siv. Siv was a character from the Phasma novel. The story is getting weird, and the timeframe is a bit confusing too.


SUMMARY: So the giant monsters are dead, but now there are several smaller ones. A fight ensues and the people of Luprora join in. Phasma and TN-3645 leave the fight and search for Lieutenant Rivas. They find him in a tower, held as a prisoner. Phasma faces him alone, and tries to get him to confess to the crime, she committed. Phasma kills him, and ties up all the loose ends. She leaves Luprora alone, leaving the natives to die by the hands of the R’ora

OVERALL THOUGHTS: this issue was better. I think it got back to who Phasma was… a selfish jerk. It makes her a good villain really, one that you just can’t get behind. This issue, the overall all story, stays true to the character of Captain Phasma. Although I didn’t enjoy half of the overall comic series, the last issue made me forgive the midsole part… kind of.

Do I recommend that you read the Star Wars: Captain Phasma Comic series? No.

RATING: I give the Captain Phasma Comic series a C-.

Darth Maul Comic Book Review

Darth Maul Comic Book Review

Darth Maul Trade Paperback Review

The Marvel Darth Maul Trade Paperback takes place before The Phantom Menace. At the time of this review, it is the first entry in the canon timeline. In this review, I will give a summary and my overall thoughts for each chapter in the comic.


Summary: Darth Maul, Sith apprentice to the dark lord, Darth Sidious, is ready and willing to take on the Jedi. After he hunts and slaughters a few Rathtars to appease his blood-lust, he returns to Coruscant. Before Maul returns to his master, he stalks a few Jedi, but defeats the temptation to strike.

Darth Sidious warns Maul to control his rage, to be patient, and wait for the master plan to be fulfilled. After that, Maul’s rage may be unleashed on their foe.

Trade federation is establishing a secret mining facility in the Kellux System. Maul is ordered to go and assist the troubled federation allies being harassed by pirates. Once there, Maul is wiping out the pirates and is mistaken for a Jedi. It’s revealed that a Jedi padawan was captured and to be sold into slavery. Maul then slaughters the pirates and the federation allies. He will find this padawan and destroy him before the Jedi can save him.

Overall Thoughts: A good start to the Darth Maul comic. I like the tie in to The Force Awakens with the Rathtar creatures. It’s nice seeing new things in the canon stretch throughout the timeline. Maul is written well. He’s arrogant, prideful, and impatient. Emperor Palpatine seems happy with, yet somewhat annoyed by his apprentice. He makes it clear that if Maul disobeys him… there will be consequences.


SUMMARY: Maul heads to the best place to find information, where everyone there has something to hide, Nar Shaddaa. He gets into a scuffle after attempting to find out more info on Xev Xrexus, the name that was dropped on the federation ship pertaining to the Jedi padawan. He can’t use his Lightsaber, word would spread and his identify would surely be revealed. Luckily for Maul, some hired hands show up; Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, and Vorhdeulo.

With a little help from one of Car Bane’s associates, a protocol droid is tortured and interrogated, spilling its knowledge on Xev Xrexus. Maul and his hired bunch, Head to the auction, where the poor Jedi padawan is up for sale.

Once they get to the location, they are greeted and informed of the specimen up for auction, Maul sneaks off and finds the Jedi.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This was an awesome issue! I wasn’t expecting the surprise characters like Aurra Sing! We’ve only seen a glimpse of her in The Phantom Menace. Cad Bane cameo is probably cool for those that like the Clone Wars series.

I was impressed with some of the lore that mentioned. In Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine says, “Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy.” I’ve always been intrigued by that line, imagining what that might have been like. In this issue, we get some beautiful artwork, showing a slaughter of ancient Sith by cross-Saber wielding Jedi! One of them even has a silhouette resembling Yoda…. mind was blown. (How about we turn that into a film?!)

I really enjoyed this issue. I’ve never really been a big Maul fan… the comic isn’t changing that, only making my case for disliking him even stronger. He’s too prideful, and that pride led to his downfall. Excited to move on to the next issue!


SUMMARY: The bidding is about to begin! But beforehand, Maul has snuck around security to get a sneak peak of the Jedi padawan. Lucky for her, she’s well protected by a forcefield. Xev Xrexus catches Maul, threatens to have him incinerated, but let’s him go.

The auction begins, and the bid climbs higher and higher. Maul and his hired crew find out who the winner is… and takes care of them… in a bad way.

However, Xev Xrexus had a plan, deactivating the ship that the padawan is on so that it crashes on the nearby planet. Her new scheme, to have folks buy-in to hunt for the padawan.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: The series continues to keep me interested and entertained. Xev Xrexus is a total tool bag, she’s pretty evil. Maul realizes he needs to calm down a bit, and does so. I like that because it shows they the character has a brain.

The ending was a nice surprise, I honestly didn’t expect it to end the way it did. Ready to see how Maul gets out of this problem now, surely he’ll have to wipe out everyone… right? But that can’t be, because Cad Bane and Aurra Sing are with him. Alright, moving on to the forth part in the story!


SUMMARY: Maul and company crash land on the Moon of Drazkel. The buy-in for the hunt of the padawan and her abductors takes place! Maul has his hired hands search for ships, to tamper with some and steal one. Maul and the padawan will go out on their own, to lure the hunters away so he can destroy them.

Maul and the padawan trade words. He knows she’s powerful, he actually lets her out of her bindings and gives back her lightsaber. She helps fend off the hunters.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Loved the issue! There is once but that was actually gruesome and disturbing! Poor little Tek-Tek, didn’t do so well after the crash. I like how Maul gives the lightsaber to the padawan, he basically does it to see how well she uses it and to study her style. He keeps it pretty cool in this issue until the end… making this issue the best cliffhanger in the run.

The art was beautiful, the lighting on the planet was purplish pink, it made the two sabers stand out, a nice artistic touch. Can’t wait to finish up this series!


SUMMARY: Aurra Sing and Cad Bane work to get a ship, taking out a few of the hunters along the way. Darth Maul and the padawan duel!

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I enjoyed this issue. I was glad to see Maul come to his senses somewhat. He realized his arrogance and anger led to him defying his master and his wishes to remain in the shadows. I wasn’t too surprised that he had a rough time taking on the Jedi padawan… I mean, the next padawan he faces cuts him in half! (Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace)

Do I recommend you pick up the Darth Maul trade paperback? Yes, I had a good time with this series, didn’t have any eye rolling, nonsense moments.

RATING: I give this comic series an A

Star Wars Book Review: The Classic Newspaper Comics

Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Comics

Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Comics by Russ Manning, with Alfredo Alcala and friends. This book was released by IDW Publishing.

This amazing book is the first volume published, with two more volumes hitting stores soon! This first volume is loaded with 600 newspaper comic strips, beginning with their first appearance on March 11th, 1979. The book ends with the comic released on October 5th, 1980.

I was surprised to see that the first several pages are loaded with the rich history of early Star Wars literature. It’s crazy, that in this current time we have so much Star Wars content. We’ve got books, comics, cartoons, 7 movies (as of this post), magazines, and more. As a fan today, I can’t imagine what it must have been like in 1977, to have just one movie with so very little other material! Before the newsprint comics in 1979, the only books available were the Novelization, Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, and Han Solo’s Revenge. In the comic realm, issues #1 and #2 were available from Marvel Comics.

The newspaper comics are truly a delight. It’s fun to read these great stories and definitely a treat to gaze at the amazing artwork! A goofy observation, but I am a huge fan of the attached ribbon bookmark! That little detail was fantastic. I’m going to grantee you, that any Star Wars fan will love The Classic Newspaper Comics. Volume 1 is fun, a collectible, and it’ll look really cool on your coffee table and/or bookshelf.

I highly recommend you pick up Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Comics Volume 1 for yourself, for the favorite Star Wars fan, or comic book collector in your life!