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The Marvel Phasma Trade Paperback takes place after The Force Awakens. The writer was Kelly Thompson, Letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles, and the artist was Marco Checchetto.


SUMMARY: With only six minutes remaining until Starkiller Base is fully charged, Captain Phasma breaks free of the garbage shoot she was tossed in to. She heads strait to a computer terminal and deletes the data records of her betrayal, the evidence that she was the one who lowered the defensive shields.

She does a quick search to see if anyone had possibly seen that she was the one responsible… Phasma finds that Lieutenant Sol Rivas had logged into the system.

Phasma begins her hunt for Rivas, as she actually begins an eye witness record of the final events of Starkiller Base.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Wow I have lost all respect for Phasma. I never really had any for her in the first place. She’s a rough character with a crazy past. She’ll do anything to get ahead… to win. I don’t know why I’m so shocked by her cowardice and outright betrayal of the first order. She’s actually falsifying the records to clear her as the subject who lowered the defensive shield.

The art in this book is very nice. It’s cool seeing the Starkiller Base destruction in a comic. I also like how the comic starts where we end the First Orders appearance in The Force Awakens. In the film we just saw the Resistance.


SUMMARY: Phasma escapes Starkiller Base with TIE-pilot TN-3465. His ship had issues and can’t fire. A BB unit is on board, it was attempting to repair the ship before Phasma ordered the take off. They follow Sol Rivas to the planet, Luprora.

Once there, Phasma finds that Rivas has left his TIE. There’s evidence in her tracking that there was a scuffle involving Rivas. She will not assume he’s dead. She needs to see his lifeless body.

There are natives on the planet. Phasma and TN-3465 find an empty hut with clothing. And change, to disguise themselves. They meet with the natives and learn about them and learn that there are dangerous creatures called the R’ora… they may have taken Lieutenant Rivas.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Phasma was pretty lucky TN-3465 had some issues with her TIE-Fighter, otherwise she would have been doomed on Starkiller Base. This issue wasn’t that great. I understand and like the idea that Captain Phasma needs to take out the Lieutenant, but when we get into the whole giant monster thing… it gets lame.

The people think Phasma was sent by the gods to help them… Not a fan of this issue, now Phasma is to become a monster slayer?


SUMMARY: In this issue, Captain Phasma and TN-3465 abandon their undercover garb and put their First Order uniforms back on. They are taken to a ship that was used by the natives a long time ago, a ship that got them to the planet Luprora. She comes up with a plan to turn the ship into a weapon against the giant sea monsters, who are an obstacle in her way of reaching Rivas.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Don’t like it. Don’t like how this is going. Why would giant sea monsters want Rivas? Neat that they used the ship as an electrical weapon to kill the monsters. There was a weird flashback/memory form Phasma, seemed out of character, especially when she calls her pilot Siv. Siv was a character from the Phasma novel. The story is getting weird, and the timeframe is a bit confusing too.


SUMMARY: So the giant monsters are dead, but now there are several smaller ones. A fight ensues and the people of Luprora join in. Phasma and TN-3645 leave the fight and search for Lieutenant Rivas. They find him in a tower, held as a prisoner. Phasma faces him alone, and tries to get him to confess to the crime, she committed. Phasma kills him, and ties up all the loose ends. She leaves Luprora alone, leaving the natives to die by the hands of the R’ora

OVERALL THOUGHTS: this issue was better. I think it got back to who Phasma was… a selfish jerk. It makes her a good villain really, one that you just can’t get behind. This issue, the overall all story, stays true to the character of Captain Phasma. Although I didn’t enjoy half of the overall comic series, the last issue made me forgive the midsole part… kind of.

Do I recommend that you read the Star Wars: Captain Phasma Comic series? No.

RATING: I give the Captain Phasma Comic series a C-.