Star Wars: Tyrant’s Test, was written by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. Book three of the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic era, 16 ABY (16 years after the Battle of Yavin).
The conclusion of the Black Fleet Crisis! Lando, Lobot, and the droids are STILL in the Vagabond ship! Luke continues the search for his mother, and Leia is standing up against her political foes as well as the Yevethan threat.
Chewbacca, who had been back on Kyshykk to spend time with his family, receives word of Han’s capture. Once again, Chewy leaves his family behind, but does allow his son who was in the midst of his warrior testing, to come along.
Nil Spaar announces to the New Republic that they have allied with the Empire, leading Leia to declare war on the enemy of the New Republic.
The Black Fleet Crisis trilogy had a strong start. However, the story arch as a whole was weak, especially in the entertainment department. McDowell did fine with descriptive details and squeezing in some action in a rather boring tale. Though the story was boring, we did get to experiance some cool things that we haven’t before, such as Chewbacca with his son, Lumpawaroo.
The trilogy did have character arch’s for our heroes, the only one I’ll mention is Luke’s. The pointless goose chase that he had been on, searching for his biological mother, was a disappointment not only for the reader, but for the character. He was manipulated and somewhat humiliated by the Fallanassi woman that came to him. Through his disappointment however, Luke came to realize that the family he’d been searching for was with him all along, Leia and the kids.
Nil Spaar met his end and thankfully, I reached the end of this trilogy. It isn’t as bad as I’m making it out to be, as the story overall did have some good points and fun moments, but the way in which the story had dragged on, it wasn’t exciting.
I will give Star Wars: Tyrant’s Test a C+.