Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company is the seventh novel released in the new offical canon. It’s written by Alexander Freed, who’s written many short stories including Star Wars: The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire. Battlefront: Twilight Company is Mr. Freed’s first novel. This tale takes place after A New Hope and during The Empire Strikes Back era.

Summary:  We gear up and delve into the wars of Star Wars! in this tale we follow Twilight Company on its campaign through the wins and the loses, taking on the Empire at every corner in the galaxy. An imperial governor surrenders to Twilight Company, with means to defect from the Empire. Now, with her knowledge, she helps lead the Company on a mission to cripple the Empire. However, trust isn’t an easy thing to come by when the enemy is now giving orders.

Characters: We step away from our familiar characters in this book, and it’s truly a breath of fresh air.  Our main characters, even the side characters, are written extremely well. Each given a personality you won’t forget. I say it’s a garanntee you’ll find one of the characters to relate to.  I don’t want to explain anything about them because they each have their arch that’s worth reading. Namir, Gadren, and Roach are a few of my favorites.

Overall Review:  Alexander Freed’s first novel is outstanding! A real gem in the new canon. Now, I’m not a big gamer but I’ve heard Battlefront game wasn’t the best, I’m pretty certain if the game had a campaign mode based on this book, you’d have the game of the year!  I have my fingers crossed we get more Battlefront stories and that we definitely get more writing from Alexander Freed!

I give this book a 5 out of 5

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