Star Wars: Republic Commando – True Colors, book three in a series of Republic Commando novels, written by Karen Traviss. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the Clone Wars in the Rise of the Empire era. Twenty-one years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY). 


There is quite a lot happening in this story, making it a little difficult to summarize. Heroes aren’t immune from harm, as this tale puts the cast of  Commandos and Jedi into deadly situations. 

Weapons aren’t the only object of war, but secrets that lie behind a vale of darkness. Doubt, insecurity and moral conduct of the Republic is in question. The secrecy of the financial support of the galactic war and it’s tools of conquest, arouse suspicion in some. 

A quest to alter the lifespan of the clones is underway. The lifespan, so short, creates an issue of where loyalty should lie. 


This book starts off so much better than the previous. I think Karen Traviss did well in setting a tone. There are moments in this book I found extremely interesting and some, very boring. I’ve got to say, Traviss has done well in this series keeping the characters consistent. I still believe the first book is the better tale of the Republic Commandos. 

The one thing I really enjoy is getting into the thoughts and doubts some of the troops and jedi have about the war. While the clones can’t help being – clones, there is a gross vibe that comes from the whole ordeal. It’s immoral, technology replicating life, speeding up the growth rate, just to send these men to fight and die… not really expected to live off  the battlefield. 

A Jusik, a jedi, leaves the order. It made me wonder just how many Jedi overall had abandoned the order during this time period, their position in galactic affairs were a heavy burden, one that many but not all would have been able to handle. 

I love that one of the characters is digging into the financial side of the the war. She finds the lack of financial reporting questionable. The budget doesn’t really exist.. not just a lack in payments for the Clone Army, but the equipment; weapons, ships, vehicles, armor, med-kits – everything… so much money would be needed to fund this war!

Do I recommend you read this book? I say yes, even though didn’t recommend book two, Triple Zero. 


I will give Star Wars: Republic Commando – True Colors, a C+.