The Art of Star Wars:The Last Jedi Book Review
The Art of The Last Jedi was published by Abrams books and written by Phil Szostak. Rian Johnson, The director of Star Wars: The a Last Jedi, wrote a forward in this book. He expresses his fascination with the design of the film, from the 2D art to 3D models.
This book was released alongside the theatrical release of The Last Jedi. Now that the film can be watched in your living room, this book will serve as an awesome companion piece.
There are awesome little canon nuggets throughout, like a map of the island on Ahch-To! I love maps! it’s cool to see where events took place on the Island. The caretakers were designed to look like “fish-people.” The lady caretakers that we see in the film had originally had companions that looked very decorative, with face paint and color clothing.
The scene in the film when one Porg is looking at the lightsaber while the other is stomping on it… the concept art depicts a different scene! And it doesn’t end well for one of the Porgs!
The art is absolutely incredible. We get glimpses of how things changed throughout the process such as designs, names, and more. For example one of my favorite pieces of art, shows that the Falcon crash landed in the sea on Ahch-To in front of a massive ancient Jedi temple, with Rey standing on top of the ship. It’s so awesome!
We learn that George Lucas was involved with some of the material, which was a nice surprise. I never knew just how active he was in continuously pushing for more Star Wars material.
Do I recommend you pick up The Art of The Last Jedi? Yes! It’s an awesome, beautiful book.
See the video for visuals!