The X-Files: Whirlwind, is book two in the X-Files expanded material. Whirlwind was written by Charles Grant and published in April 1995.


Out in the desert of New Mexico, bodies of cattle and humans have been found dead. Mystery surrounds these gruesome deaths as they appear unnatural. Mulder and Scully head out to a small town and Native-American reservation to investigate these strange mutilations.


Charles Grant did a fine job with detailing some aspects of the story. I feel that the descriptions in the quiet moments were far more detailed than the action that took place. I found some of the story a little difficult to grasp. There was a lot of jumping between characters, none of which were distinctive or memorable.

The plot of this X-Files book was also a tad boring. The climax of the story wasn’t exciting either. I have a hard time getting hyped up with any worry for our lead characters – Mulder and Scully. It’s obvious these two won’t be at risk of dying off in the books. If the author was able to get us attached to a new solid lead character that wasn’t one of the two FBI agents, and the threat of life or death was upon that character… it would most likely be far more entertaining.

Do I recommend you read The X-Files: Whirlwind? No. The book just didn’t satisfy.


I give this book a D.