The X-Files: Skin, is book six in an X-Files expanded series. This novel was written by Bestselling author Ben Mezrich and was published in April 1999.


Mystery surrounds a the deaths of a few individuals. It appears that a deadly bloodborne virus is spreading, the last time this virus was spread, was over 70 years ago. Mulder and Scully dig into a strange case that involves a burn victim, who – with super human strength, destroys his hospital room and murders a nurse. He then proceeds to jump from a second story window and evade authorities.

The X-Files investigation leads the FBI agents into another race against time. The root of the issue stems from a psychopath with an obsession with skin transplants. The story leads from the US, to a research facility in a small village in Thailand.


So, this this book was written by a different author. So far we’ve had Charles Grant, Kevin J. Anderson, and now, Ben Mezrich. Mezrich did a fine job with this X-Files story for the most part. There was one bit of dialogue that didn’t quite fit into the vibe of the series, the author uses the “F” word. I don’t like it when that happens, Charles Grant did that a few times in his X-Files books. It takes me out as it doesn’t flow with the show, or Anderson books.

I’d say Mezirch did well with setting the tone and direction of the story. Our main characters were treated very well. I like how they were thrown into some really dangerous situations, where things got really tense. The action was written well. I believe in my review of Antibodies I said it contained the most graphic death scene. Skin now holds the title for most graphic death scene. I may have even said “eww” as it happened.

My only complaint other than the F-bomb that was dropped, was the development of new characters in the book. I’m not gonna lie, I got confused with who was who. There were a lot of doctors and victims, I just couldn’t keep track sometimes.

Do I recommend this novel? Yes, this book was a fun one, the last half was very adventurous.


I give The X-Files: Skin, a B+