The X-Files: Ruins, is book four in an X-Files expanded series. This novel was written by Bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson and was published in February 1997.


An archaeological dig in the Yucatan Jungle awakens a mystery berried in the earth. People go missing! The logical explanation is that a local cartel is responsible for snatching up individuals. Of course, Ageng Moulder believes something more supernatural is at play.


I’ve always thought The X-Files was a fun, cheesy, comfort show for a cool rainy day, this one is more eerie. I like the atmosphere, a new location. Characters actually have a sense of fear on them. The author does a good job keeping the mystery – a mystery! I found this story to be more entertaining and interesting than the previous novels. While the previous books are focused on strange earthly phenomena, this one brings in the extraterrestrial/alien stuff.

Anderson sets a dark tone and brings in a highly action packed moment. The characters feel right, remaining true to how they are typically depicted. The “third wheel” character is an interesting fellow, and somewhat lacks emotions he should be displaying. However, the author does a fine job of developing the character into a work focused individual over a typical emotional being.


This book gets an A.