The X-Files: Perihelion, was written by bestselling author, Claudia Gray.


Dana Scully and Fox Mulder are back! The FBI has called upon the two seasoned agents, who were previously suspended from the bureau. The duo have been asked to investigate an unusual murder by the hands of a Washington, DC serial killer; with the latest crime scene appearing to have ties to the supernatural. This new X-File case appeals to Scully, as the serial killer’s victims are pregnant women; like herself.

Mulder and Scully still mourn the loss of their son, William. Yet, a rekindling of their relationship is sparked by the mysterious pregnancy of Scully. The couple dust off their guns and badges to report back to the FBI headquarters to find new X-Files piled high on their desks.

The Inheritors, a mysterious group lingering in the shadows have intentions of altering the course of humanity! The members are cautions of Mulder and Scully and keep a watchful eye on the duo. As Dana Scully’s pregnancy progresses and through her and Mulder’s investigation, the massive threat to humanity is revealed.

This novel is a story of self discovery in a world of constant change, violence, and mystery!


I must clarify, before getting into the review, that my knowledge of all that happens in the X-Files show is limited. I am a new fan of the series and have only watched the first two seasons as of this book review. However, I have read just about all of the X-Files novels. It’s exciting to get new material in the world of the X-Files!

This story is a continuation of the X-Files timeline, so if you are not familiar with the material that came before this novel, such as the later seasons of the show, you may be scratching your head many times trying to piece together what all had happened leading up to this novel. I would have appreciated the story more if there was a dedicated chapter or even a prologue that summarized the history that ties into this story. Previous books were simple X-Files adventures that didn’t require foreknowledge that linked to the show to understand what was happening or who characters were.

It’s easy to see that the author has a genuine attachment to the characters and source material. There are many moments where the story feels like an episode of the show, which is fantastic. However, there are also many moments that feel completely disjointed, as though the material was written by someone else entirely. The mention of William and the emotional state of Dana and Fox regarding him, is repeated so many times it just becomes filler, to expand the word count.

Yet, when it comes to the meat of the story, the investigations and the explorations of the unexplained, Claudia Gray did a fantastic job. Chunks of the book feel like an older episode that really grabbed my attention. I could have done without the unnecessary pop culture references to Star Wars and a few other franchises; it went too far, giving someone the name, Starwarski. Those were the moments that brought in the cheese factor… so cringey at times.

I did enjoy this book overall, but there were many times I questioned the decisions made in the direction of the story. My experience with this book would jump from love it to hate it to like it. I am curious to know how some of the content/writing style could be so great, while some of it seemed to have been scrapped from the bottom of a dumpster. In the end though, there were more pros than cons.


I will give The X-Files: Perihelion a B.