The X-Files: Ground Zero, is book three in an X-Files expanded series. This novel was written by Kevin J. Anderson and published in June 1996.


Similar, unusual deaths are popping up across the nation! When Mulder and Scully are put on the case, pieces to the mysterious puzzle begin to fall into place. The victims are all tied to a secret weapons defense program. A new type of nuclear weapon is being developed with materials from an unknown origin. Is possible that spirits from the past have come to put an end to the development of future weapons of mass destruction? Is the mysterious material reacting to human touch? Scully is determined to find the logical reason for the incineration of government officials. Mulder will follow the


Finally, an X-Files book that’s enjoyable from the start, and all the way through. Kevin J Anderson’s writing style is smooth and easy to grasp the points being made. Unlike the previous X-Files novels, this one is easy to follow all the way through. I did not care for the writing style of the first two books, which had too many things going on, too many names, locations, and even foul language. Kevin J Anderson brings it back to the feel of the show.

The chemistry between the characters is great, it feels professional but also friendly. There’s also some real character development, diving into the past of Scully – Growing up a navy brat, going to college and dabbling in activist groups in an attempt to change the world. That was before she matured and decided to seek a career with the FBI. Unlike the first two books in the series with the lack of character depth, this simple addition really brings life to the character.

While the plot is interesting and keeps building all the way up to the climax of the book, the final event that happens comes off a little silly, but when we see how Mulder and Scully experienced the final event a differently as they deliver their detailed report for their superiors, the story feels grounded when we get to Scully’s perspective.

This was a fun book, the chemistry between the characters really drives this story along and the interesting plot kept me excited to see how the story would wrap up.

Do I recommend you read The X-Files: Ground Zero? Yes, out of the three I’ve read so far, this is the only one I’d say was worth the time.


I give this book, an A.