The Heist

Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space – Book III

Star Wars: Adventures In Wild Space – The Heist was written by Cavan Scott. This book is part three in an ongoing young readers series.

SUMMARY: Lina and Milo Graf, still on the search for their parents, head to the planet Lothal, the source of a rebellious transmission they came across. The children want to find the source of the broadcast in hopes that they can find someone to trust. Once they find the trustworthy party, they will ask for assistance in the tracking down their parents, who were taken by the Empire.

The Imperial, Captain Korda, has hired a bounty hunter to find these pesky children, and bring them to him.

Once the children and their droid CR-8R make landfall on Lothal, they are met by a Devaronion. He overhears the siblings having a conversation and uses it to his advantage. He takes the children to his boss, Rask Odai, who is said to be a powerful man, who can help them find the transmission source. However, once again, events go sour.

CHARACTERS: Because this young readers novel is so short, I’m only going to mention one character.

Captain Shalla Mondatha: She’s the owner of a mobile restaurant, her ship! She’s the cook, dishwasher, and owner. She is kind and helpful. Once she sees Lina and Milo, she sees their grief and wants to help. Long ago, Shalla was actually a smuggler. She uses her past experience to help the children with a local problem.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This book had a direct tie into Rebels, I only know this because I’m somewhat aware of the main characters in the show. We meet a certain characters parents.

This book was good. In my opinion it’s better than the previous two. It really shows how dangerous the galaxy is. These kids have such a difficult time and their trust for others is quickly fading.

The villains in this book were good, didn’t like the way dialogue was handle among them though. There’s always got to be that idiot bad guy that talks like a moron? I understand it’s a kids book, but don’t kids need to realize that bad guys don’t always talk like idiots?

RATING: I give this book a 3 out of 5

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