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The second book in the new Star Wars Canon. This book is loaded with a cast of classic sinister characters! James Luceno does a fantastic job capturing the voice of Grand Moff Tarkin. Taking place in the Star Wars timeline between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Yet, it also takes place before the first release of the new canon, Star Wars A New Dawn.

Many Star Wars Characters have been expanded upon in recent years under the Legends expanded universe. Now, it’s Tarkin’s turn. We get a glimpse of his past and the trials he faced as a young man. In this tale, a band of outlaws steal Tarkin’s ship in the opening pages. We follow Tarkin and Darth Vader as they hunt down the misfits.

Luceno brings us a great story with great dialogue which paints clear imagery with the way he writes. There are a few minor things in the book I wish weren’t in there. One example of those things would be Palpatine’s first name. Yep, that’s inside.

You won’t be disappointed in this book, I recommend you purchase this one. Grand Moff Tarkin is indeed a great Star Wars Character and deserved a good book.

I give this book a 3 out of 5