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Star Wars: The Krytos Trap

Star Wars: The Krytos Trap, book three in the X-Wing Series, was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Michael A Stackpole. This Expanded Universe story takes place during the New Republic Era, seven years after the battle of Yavin.


Tycho Celchu faces persecution for the death of Corran Horn!

The Krytos Virus, manipulated to affect non-human races, causes division within the New Republic. The need for Bacta is reaching the point of desperation, as the Empire and cartels have mass stock in the much needed medicine.

The stakes are high for many characters in this tale as the fight against the Empire and the sleeper agents chip away at the New Republic forces.


I do like that there is distrust between the Rogue Squadron heroes and the the politicians. I like the concept that one of there own is a traitor. Yet, I believe this aspect of the story could have been handled a bit differently. If Stackpole led the readers into distrust of Celchu, it would have been more interesting. But we are fed the truth of what’s actually happening through the perspective of the Empire itself; where is the fun in that?

The book sheds light on the complications of building a governmental power. The spreading virus is making it difficult, as it’s targeting the non-human citizens, this causes conflict between the different races. At the birth of the New Republic, we are seeing corruption take root; guilty or not, Tycho Celchu will most likely be a sacrifice “for the greater good.” The New Republic wants to make it clear that they are just as hard on humans as the Empire was on non-humans. They want to look “fair.”

I actually appreciate this third book, more so than the previous two. I imagine creating a Star Wars story wouldn’t bee that difficult. However, creating a Star Wars story that has depth, putting a microscope up to the political affairs and advancement in character arches, has to be difficult. Michael A. Stackpole did a fine job of making this story have weight and throwing in an interesting character choice.

Do I recommend that you read Star Wars: The Krytos Trap? Yes, this installment of the X-Wing series is the best one yet.


I give this story a B.