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Star Wars: The High Republic Mission to Disaster is a young reader/junior reader book set just before the events of The Fallen Star. It was written by bestselling author, Justina Ireland. Thank you Disney-Lucasfilm Press for providing a copy for review.

Summary: The young Avon Starros is kidnapped from Port Haileap, on the mid rim world Kirima by the Nihil. Avon is shocked to learn that the Nihil have been kidnapping children around the galaxy and forcing them to be new recruits in the Nihil. Jedi Vernestra and her padawan Imri go on a mission in hopes to recover their friend, Avon. Chaos also irrupts on Dalna, as world damaging groundquakes break the world. The Jedi need to move quick if they are to successfully evacuate the planet with the help of Starlight Beacon.

Overall Thoughts:I really don’t like being negative… I really don’t, and as I’ve made clear on several other reviews, I want to enjoy the books I spend my time reading. Mission to Disaster is just way too dull. I had some fun with the previous young reader books from wave one and two, but Mission to Disaster was a chore. I’d pick the book up with intentions of reading several chapters, but I couldn’t do it. I could only spend about 20 minutes per reading session.

Many bits of the story are not consistent with previous High Republic storytelling. Certain villain traits that have already been established and well known by the Jedi are completely forgotten and brought up like it’s something new. The previous adult novel, The Rising Storm also suffered from this lack of consistency. If a special story group is not sifting through the books… one is needed. If there is a story group overseeing the books… new members are needed.

The Characters are not interesting, they’re bland. This is supposed to be a children’s book, please stop putting in sexual content/references in these books. I really hate giving a negative review, but it had to happen. I open each book with high hopes and want to have fun. As of this review, two of the three books in the High Republic wave 3 have been extremely disappointing. I really hope this isn’t a sign of more disappointment in the next phase.

Rating for Star Wars: The High Republic: Mission to Disaster: D-