Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia, was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Dave Wolverton. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic Era, eight years after the battle of Yavin (8 ABY).


After overthrowing the Galactic Empire, the New Republic is still at war with the remnants of the empire. An attempt had been made to build up relations with the people of Hapen to gain a powerful new ally. Months had gone by before the Hapens make a visit to Coruscant to negotiate terms once again. Han Solo (who’d been gone for months, chasing down Imperial warlord. Zsinj) arrives on Coruscant just in time to see the big offer from the Queen of Hapen; her son, Prince Isolder – to be marraied to Princess Leia. Only through the arranged marriage will the Hapens become allies with the New Republic.

Luke Skywalker is on a quest to discover the history of the Jedi, finding very little information, but he is determined to rebuild the Jedi Order.

Mon Mothma and other leadership of the New Republic are determined to persuade Leia into accepting the Hapen offer, as it would be extremely beneficial for the New Republic. Han Solo is stunned by the Hapen offer and the hesitancy of Leia. He loves the Princess and can’t believe she didn’t decline the offer once it was made. He turns to gambling, winning the deed to a planet, Dathomir.

Han abducts Leia, taking her to Dathomir, demanding that he gets a few days to win her love. Luke returns to Coruscant and learns of what has happened, and teams up with Prince Isolder to find Han and Leia. Once on Dathomir, the gang has a run in with witches, Nightsisters, and the Imperial warlord, Zsinj!


Dave Wolverton provided pretty solid roots for the future of Star Wars from this point. A lot of fan favorite content today can be traced back to this novel, such as Dathomir, Nightsisters, Rancor’s being used as mounts. We’ve seen these things come to shows, video games, and other books. While I do take issue with much of the plot, I do have to commend the Expanded Universe and Dave Wolverton for creating aspects of Star Wars that would impact the franchise so greatly.

I find the concept of this book a bit silly and aggravating a lot of the time. My feelings are interfering big time with how I interpret the story. It bothers me more than it should, that Leia has this internal conflict with Prince Isolder and Han. She literally just meets Isolder and nearly falls in love with the guy after a few days. Her and Han have been a thing for nearly 8 years! I dislike that Han had to kidnap her to get her attention and affection again. However, it does make it clear to me know, that their relationship can only thrive on adventure and near death experiences. (Not a healthy relationship)

Some of my favorite moments, would be reading about Luke on his quest to uncover the history of the Jedi. He has high hopes of re-establishing the Order of the Jedi. Witnessing Luke’s passion and excitement upon minor discovery’s is cool and makes me excited for the character, and for what may come in future books.

Do I recommend that you read this novel? I’m on record as saying, “skip this book.” After revisiting this novel, I’ve changed my mind. Yes, read it.


Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia receives 3/5 stars, or a C+.