Star Wars: Shield of Lies, was written by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. Book two of the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic era, 16 ABY (16 years after the Battle of Yavin).


The Adventure continues! Lando, Lobot, R2 & 3PO are trapped in the Vagabond  as it blasts into hyperspace! Luke is getting frustrated as his search for his mother drags on. Leia faces the challenge set before her with Nil Spaar and the growing threat of the Yevethan.


While I found the first book to be somewhat entertaining, I found this one to be more of a let down. There really isn’t anything negative I have to say about the writing style or the dialogue. 

The Lando and Vagabond  plot was is dull and just drags on and on. What I do appreciate though, is that the author really utilizes a character we never really think about or spent much time with in any other books, Lobot.

The New Republic really is run by a bunch of morons, and I hate to say it but Leia fits in that category as far as this story is concerned. It’s no wonder they still struggle so much with galactic affairs. Genocide is taking place and the council believes no action should take place because the event took place a few days, maybe weeks ago? However, Leia pushes forward and attempts to do something about the Yevethan problem, which may lead to a possible career ending action. 

Luke continues his adventure searching for his mother, but is getting frustrated on the journey, he’s starting to believe that the search is a deceptive game by Akanah.


I will give Star Wars: Shield of Lies a C+.