Star Wars: Republic Commando – Hard Contact, book one in a series of Republic Commando novels, written by Karen Traviss. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the Clone Wars in the Rise of the Empire era. Twenty-two years before the Battle of Yavin (ABY).


A special Republic Commando unit is formed, Omega Squad. They are sent to the planet Qiilura, where they are to destroy a Seperatist Research Facility that is actively developing a nano-virus designed to specifically kill the clones! Omega Squad is also instructed to capture the head scientist of the project.

Just as the mission gets started, one of the members of Omega Squad is separated. The communications systems are limited on this mission, as the Neimoidians have control of the planets long range communications. This makes things a bit difficult for the team to regroup.

A Jedi Padawan has trouble adjusting to a war torn galaxy and her role in commanding clones. Omega Squad learns to work together quickly in unfamiliar territory to survive hard contact with attack droids, a rugged Mandalorian, and to accomplish their mission.


I’m not sure how I feel about the writing style. Karren Traviss keeps the story entertaining, yet sometimes the way things are written, the prose, seem amateur-ish, or just too plain and simple. Sometimes though, there would be a poetic flow to the writing. I like how Traviss didn’t try to get to technical in the story telling with military jargon and the like. This battle-focused story did well by focusing on the characters more than the action.

I enjoyed the cast of characters, while they were all the same… from a certain point of view, they were all very different from each other. The elite squad of clones came together under difficult circumstances. Yet they put their duty before their emotions and form a bond that comes across as genuine.

It was nice meeting a new Jedi Padawn who was separated from her master. She was afraid and unsure of herself. The interaction between her and one of the commandos was great, the clone expecting the padawn to take command, but the padawn had no experience or knowledge on how to lead a squad.

In the Star Wars universe there seems to be a cycle of weaponry. Massive super weapons and/or viruses aimed at specific groups. Those ideas can get tedious, which is why the author must put real weight to the characters, their actions and reactions. I believe Karan Traviss did a good job with this story, making the Commando mission feel adventures and dangerous, leading the reader from chapter to chapter, not knowing if each member of the squad will make it out of this one alive.

Do I recommend this novel? Yes, the action was good and the characters were cool.


I give Star Wars: Republic Commando – Hard Contact, an A.