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Star Wars: Queen’s Shadow

 Star Wars: Queen’s Shadow is a YA Novel written by E.K. Johnston. It was published by Disney-Lucasfilm Press.


The time has come for Padme to step down as Queen of Naboo. As she walks away from the throne, she discovers other opportunities in which she can still serve her home planet. Serving as a Republic Senator, Padme can be a representative for Naboo, and attempt to better the galaxy in the political ring.


 A lot of us tend to paint Padme as a strong female character… but is she? Or is she just paranoid, relying on those around her to bail her out? The conclusion I’ve come to, is both. We know from The Phantom Menace that during the skirmish of Naboo with the Trade Federation, Queen Amadala has hand maidens, a body double, an altered voice for “Royalty’s sake and body double disguise.” This book pretty much shows us that she has always been paranoid, before the Trade Federation conflict.

When Amadala makes her transition from Queen to Senator, it’s a bit tough for her make the adjustment. Padme uses the name Amadala as a stage name… an alias. When Padme is with her handmaidens behind closed doors, they talk about Amadala like she’s another person. It’s weird.

Even as Senator, Padme has handmaidens, a body double, a security team, and even has someone tapping into the newsfeeds on Coruscant.


The book leads to a dead end. There is no climax. There is no real resolve. Some issues are tackled with the story… but overall, as a whole… the story leads to nothing. I don’t know if it’s supposed to tie into Clone Wars or if a second book is to be release… but the epilogue suggests that’s not going to happen. As I’m making my way through Clone Wars season one. I can’t recall any names that have been dropped in this book. I finished reading this book unsatisfied, underwhelmed, and a little confused.

RATINGI give this book an F. I expected a powerful YA novel about Padme. I wanted to close this book and feel that she was a truly powerful and in control character. Yet, I close the book feeling that she was just paranoid, relying on others to help her gain success.

I can’t recommend you read this book… But as a Star Wars diehard, it’s best to go ahead and complete your library. And hey, you may like this book, everyone’s taste is different.


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