Star Wars: Jedi Search, book one of the Jedi Academy trilogy, written by bestselling author, Kevin J. Anderson. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic era, eleven years after the Battle of Yavin (ABY).


The New Republic continues to expand and reach out to worlds unassociated with the new government. Han Solo and Chewbacca fly out to Kessel with hopes of communicating with the ruling party of the wild planet. It’s overrun with former inmates and crime lords. Kessel is widely known for its production of spice (drugs). Han Solo’s history plays a role on Kessel, the former smuggler was to deliver a load of spice to Jabba, but once the Imperials got on his trail, he dumped the spice from the Falcon (there begins the beef with Jabba and Solo). The mission falls apart quickly, leading to the capture of Solo and Chewy, and forced labor deep in the spice mines of Kessel.

Luke speaks with the Senate. He requests that the New Republic sanctions his quest to search the galaxy for force users and to establish a Jedi Academy. He stresses the importance of the Jedi, laying out their role in resolving disputes and protecting the galaxy. One person objects, stating that only one failed Jedi could bring about the destruction of the New Republic, it happened once, it could happen again, the recent battle of C’baoth is still fresh on everyone’s mind. However, the senate agrees to Luke’s proposal.

An Imperial instillation is discovered, leading to the emergence of a new threat to the Republic.


Kevin J Anderson does a fine job, he does well with being descriptive, as Luke Skywalker stands out on a platform on Coruscant, he stares up at the sky as the wind wraps around his robe. Debris of destroyed ships from the battle of taking Coruscant from the Empire is still orbiting the upper atmosphere of the planet. Parts of the planet are now a wasteland, where ships have crashed into the cityscape. (this imagery would be cool to see on film) I never thought about that, and now I can’t get that awesome/battle worn image out of my head. New Republic is at work cleaning up.

Luke’s experience in Dark Empire, where apparently he fell to the dark side of the force for a bit, broadened his insight and understanding of the force. The power of the force is so vast, it actually terrifies Luke. (reminds me of God, we fear God, the creator of the universe, we exist in a moment of time, our understanding of reality and the spiritual realm is so limited.)

Even our favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, misquotes Vader when reflecting on his time on Cloud City. “Luke, I am your father.” WRONG.

I’m glad we have a story of Luke going out in the galaxy to find trainees. I also like that some citizens of the New Republic are actually a bit concerned with the resurrection of the Jedi Order. Many are fearful that one slip up, one Jedi that craves too much power, could bring about the destruction of the galaxy once again. We meet new characters, young and old that are ready to be attuned to the force, to get a better understanding of the power they have within.

At first, I was concerned with how the Empire was handled in the story. An Imperial instillation has been out in the Maw, a cluster of black-holes, for 11 years. The instillation is run by Admiral Daala and she hasn’t heard a word from Tarkin, the only individual aware of this weapons development program. They continued about their work all these years, not knowing a single thing about what has happened to the Empire. As odd as it is, I think it works, only because it was a top-secret facility.

Do I recommend Star Wars: Jedi Search? Yes I do.


I give this story an A.