Star Wars: Champions of the Force, book three of the Jedi Academy trilogy, written by bestselling author, Kevin J. Anderson. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic era, eleven years after the Battle of Yavin (ABY).


Jedi trainee, Kip Durron, continues his downward spiral through the dark-side. The evil spirt of Exar Kun has twisted Durron against the light, leading down a path of destruction – from paralyzing Luke Skywalker with the force, to destroying a planet with the Sun-Crusher.

Meanwhile, New Republic forces attempt to capture the Imperial facility in the Maw. However, much of the Imperial crew flee the installation, and commandeer their new Death Star protype! Now, The New Republic must face off against a familiar superweapon and a fleet controlled by Admiral Dalla.

Will the light prevail over the darkness? Will the New Republic meet its doom in the shadow of the Death Star? Sorry folks, you’ve gotta read this one to find out!


I really enjoy the writing style. The tone of the story is written well, a fair balance of describing the state of one’s well being to the action taking place. As with the previous novels, I said, “so many cool things I wish I could see on screen.” Same goes for this novel. But, I say Kevin J. Anderson does a really good job detailing the imagery to paint the scenes in my mind.

Reading the continued descent of a Jedi apprentice into darkness was exciting, dramatic, and tragic! In the comic series, Dark Empire, we experiece Luke dabbling in the dark, many fans couldn’t buy into it. It was a challenge to successfully pull someone down to the dark side, I believe Anderson was smart to create in a new character (Kip) for the trilogy and bring such weight to his instability.

Exar Kun talks to Luke, I feel there was a missed opportunity to mention the events from A New Hope, it would have been cool if Exar Kun would have said something like, “I felt your presence and the energy you brought here, 11 years ago.” However, Kun mentions the Witches of Dathomir, that they would make a fine addition to a new Sith brotherhood. I thought that was cool, a nice call back to Courtship of Princess Leia and tie-in to other material.

I can’t let this review end without saying that the story had it’s fair share of cheesiness! Some bits can be frustrating with the repetitive lines and themes, but overall, whatever. I like the addition of force healing, and the unity within the new Jedi Order.

Do I recommend Star Wars: Champions of the Force? Yes! A good book to close out a fun trilogy!


I give Star Wars Jedi Academy: Champions of the Force, A-