Star Wars: Resistance Reborn was written by Rebecca Roanhorse. This novel is marked with the Journey to The Rise of Skywalker banner, preparing us for the final Skywalker saga film.

SUMMARY: The Millennium Falcon holds the remanence of the Resistance. After the events of The Last Jedi, all but a handful of the Resistance have perished. The small group is hurtling through space in a desperate attempt to find a safe haven to refuel and rest. Poe Dameron has sought out his Black Squadron, who’d been preoccupied with a mission of their own and informed them of their losses, and confessed his actions. Black Squadron remains loyal to Dameron despite his failure. Soldiers are important, but what Leia also needs, is a leadership team.

Rebecca Roanhorse writes a hopeful tale filled with nostalgia, connectivity, and thrills!

It’s brought to Leia’s attention that a number of allies may have been captured by the First Order. In this novel, the mission of the Resistance, is to find allies to build up their numbers… and survive.

CHARACTERS: This book does something fresh in canon with characters. Of course we have the popular Resistance characters left over from The Last Jedi, but so many other characters are either new, or brought in from other media. I’m not going to go deep into all the characters, but I’ll mention two that we have been introduced to in previous material, and just one other character.

Rey: She’s awkward, very awkward. Although she’s with the Resistance physically, mentally, she’s absent. She has a really hard time expressing herself and doesn’t know how to relate to anyone around her. She only really feels comfortable around Finn. We don’t get a lot of action with Rey in this novel. I’m not sure how to interpret her as a character in this book. I get the feeling that maybe the author wasn’t really given the freedom to fully dive into character details. Rey is very confused, maybe even conflicted.

Roanhorse nails it! This is definitely a book the Star Wars fans have needed!

Shriv Suurgav: He’s a Duros, an alien with a big head, blue skin, and bulbous red eyes. He makes his return to canon material! He was a character in the video game Battlefront II. He’s got a fun sense of humor, the go to character for comic relief. His presence is a welcome one. I hope we get to see more of him in future novels or possibly a cameo in The Rise of Skywalker.

Wedge Antilles: He’s retired from the military lifestyle, living in the outer-rim just living his life. He’d done so much for the Rebel Alliance, fighting in all the major battles and doing what most of his peers did do, survive. He’s an old man now, living with his wife in peace on an outer rim world. However, he’s got his bug-out-bag packed and ready for the day if he’s ever needed. Now, after the First Order decimated the New Republic and nearly wiped out the Resistance… Wedge is hesitant, but willing to jump back into the fray.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: This book was pretty darn good. Rebecca Roanhorse writes a hopeful tale filled with nostalgia, connectivity, and thrills! In my opinion, this book reminded me of how it feels reading the original Star Wars Expanded Universe. By that, I mean that this story is so connected to the overall canon. The return of many characters from across different mediums was so awesome. Roanhorse brings in things from comics, video games, the original film trilogy, and other novels.

While the story is fun and the plot thrilling, the dialogue is mostly fair. Some of the characters were written spot on, some not so much. I believe that may be a result of an upcoming film involving these characters. The humor from Shriv was excellent, it was organic. Many other comic lines from other characters came across a little forced and just too silly, not funny. My only other complaint would be the usage of the social justice quota. The sexual orientation of a side character is unimportant and irrelevant to the overall story or to the character in general. Stop with the forced “millennial emotional equality” checklist and tell the story naturally.

This novel is great, Rebecca Roanhorse nailed it. I’d say this is definitely a book the Star Wars fans have been wanting.

So, do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Resistance Reborn? Yes, it’s a book that brings in so much from the overall canon story.

RATING: I give this book an A

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