Star Wars: Planet of Twilight, book three in the Callista Trilogy, was written by bestselling author, Barbara Hambly. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic Era, 13 ABY (13 years after the Battle of Yavin).


Leia is to win over another group of people to the New Republic, but is kidnapped. Luke tries to find his love, Callista, and crashes on Nam Chorios. In this strange tale our characters must fight for their survival… much as I had to fight for mine while reading this book.


This story is a disaster. There is so much going on, I honestly got lost. I nearly dozed off every time I opened this one. If the author would have simplified the plot and trimmed up all the adventures and aliases the characters went by, it could have been more entertaining.

Oh man, Callista, such a lame character that just fizzles out in the end. She has to be the most bizarre character in the EU; from possessing a computer in a ship, to transferring her spirit to a force user. She was in three books, and not a single thing happened with her that was exciting. She said she’d love Luke until the day she died… but runs from him. I don’t like the characterization of Luke in this story either.

Do I recommend you read this book? No.


I give Star Wars: Planet of Twilight a F.