Star Wars: Outbound Flight Book Review

Star Wars: Outbound Flight was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Timothy Zahn. This novel is the eighteenth novel on the Legends novel timeline. The tale takes place during the the Rise of the Empire Era. It takes place 27 years before A New Hope.


On the run from an angry Hutt, a smuggling group find themselves outside of known space. A mysterious, unfamiliar ship with an unknown race of people, put an end to the furious chase by the Hutt and bring the smugglers aboard one of their ships. Thrawn, of the Chiss alien race, calls on Car’das, the smuggler navigator, to basically be his assistant of sorts. Through Car’das, Thrawn learns of the Republic, and other cultural details. They were able to speak to each other through a language known by both cultures. The relationship between Thrawn and the foreign strangers, puts a wedge between himself, and other Chiss leaders.

Meanwhile, at the heart of the Republic, Jedi Master, Jorus C’baoth has pushed hard politically and against the Jedi council to achieve his goal, Outbound Flight. C’bouth wants to take a number of people along with a select number of Jedi and an extreme amount of living rations and supplies, far into the unknown regions for exploration and colonization. The stubborn Jedi wants to explore the greater galaxy and establish new territory for both the Jedi and the Republic. The mission will place individuals and Jedi as colonists on far off worlds. The Outbound Flight Vessel is made up of six giant dreadnaught ships, attached to a large core, full of supplies.

Darth Sidious interferes once word reaches him that a Jedi he’s rather fond of, is selected to take part in this mission that would send him out among the unknown stars. The duel stories with Thrawn and Jorus C’baouth collide in a crazy standoff that is so tense, you’ll wish this book put to film. Will Outbound Flight establish new colonies for the Republic? Will Thrawn Leave the Chiss people?



Jorus C’baoth: He is a no nonsense type Jedi Master. He’s extremely cocky and well, pretty darn rude. He doesn’t care what others think of him, and he’d rather apologize later rather than ask for permission, only… he wouldn’t apologize. He has no problem taking control and manipulating others into doing his bidding. C’bouth is dead set on taking Outbound Flight into the unknown regions of the galaxy and will do whatever he can to make it happen.

Thrawn: He comes from a race of blue folk, known as the Chiss. This race is unknown to the Republic. Thrawn’s formal name, is Mitth’raw’nuruodo. He’s a commander in the Chiss military, he’s very well organized and thorough. He mannerisms are well calculated. Once you’ve thought of something, odds are, Thrown has already thought of it, and many other calculations in his brain, narrowing down the conclusion to almost every detail of the matter at hand.


I loved this book! It was so awesome and a pleasure to read. Honestly, I was suffering a little Star Wars fatigue, but this novel reignited the enjoyment of Star Wars reading.

Timothy Zahn develops an alien race with interesting lore that expands the Star Wars universe outside of the known galaxy we are used to reading. Although this is his first appearance of Thrown in the expanded universe, chronologically speaking, he was introduced to the reading community long ago at the rebirth of sorts, of the Expanded Universe, in the Heir to the Empire “Thrawn Trilogy.

Thrawn is a unique character. Sometimes it’s a little too silly that he’s able to predict so much and be the nearly perfect character. For me, Thrawn was handled pretty good in this novel, but what made the book so wonderful for me, is the duel story lines taking place. Jorus C’bouth was such an interesting character. He’s unlike any other Jedi that I’ve read about. I loved to hate him. One of the moments between C’bouth and Thrawn was so tense, my eyes dried up from lack of blinking as I read.

I love the idea that there is space in the galaxy untouched by the Republic. Unknown alien species and technology exist that we are unfamiliar with. That unknown aspect is pretty cool when looking through the eyes of the new alien species, fearing that these strange people randomly show up in your territory and then find out about the Jedi, who weld some strange sorcery.

Timothy Zahn did a great job with describing all the details, painting an excellent minds eye visual of each scene and character interaction. Zahn built his little “sandbox” as they say, and I love everything he did with this story.

So, do I recommend that you read Outbound Flight? A big yes!


I will give this book an A+. This book may wear off some of that Star Wars fatigue if you’re suffering from such a thing.

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