Marvel’s Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin was written by Charles Soule. The art was done by Marco Checchetto. This story takes place several years after The Phantom Menace, during a time of peace. Anakin Skywalker and his abilities in the force, have proven to be far superior than the norm. Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to answer a distress call in he far reaches of the galaxy.
SUMMARY: Obi-Wan and Anakin crash-land on Carnelion IV, so much debris littered the upper atmosphere. Anakin is a bit concerned, but it’s shrugged off by Kenobi, who’s more focused on he mission than a way off world. The Jedi received a distress call, it’s broadcast is reminiscent of the phrasing used by Jedi, centuries ago!
Anakin wants to leave the order! In a flashback we see that the other padawan(s) make fun of him, talking about him like he isn’t right beside them. Anakin is skilled with a lightsaber, even manipulating the training droid to appear as the Sith, Darth Maul. Palpatine is witness to some lightsaber training, and speaks with Mace Windu, insisting that he, the Chancellor, spends time with Anakin.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: The first issue was pretty good. My eyebrows lifted pretty high when I read that Anakin wanted out of the Jedi Order. Thought it was a little over the line how Anakin reacts to the kids teasing him. It’s also a bit creepy how Palpatine requests Anakin’s presence… comes off as a chomo…. child-molester.
The art is pretty cool. I liked seeing Anakin and Kenobi pull a crashing ship toward them, reminded me of the old video game, Force Unleashed, but on a smaller scale.

SUMMARY: In this issue, we witness some of the feud between the open and be closed, the opposing sides on Carnelion IV. Anakin struggles to manipulate the force in some weak-minded creatures, then does what he does best… slaughter them.
We get another flashback, showing creepy old Palpatine taking Anakin to the lower levels of Coruscant. Flashing forward to the current situation on Carnelion, three individuals are now part of the Jedi party. Two ladies are the Open faction, and one guy is from the Closed. They must work together to find safety, to be on the ground on Carnelion, is dangerous.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: The story picks up pretty nice, though this is only issue #2, the series is fast paced and feels like we’re moving along. I’m grossed out by the creepy Palpatine and Anakin thing. I’d prefer their meet ups to occur under situational circumstances, set up by Palpatine. The weird appointment thing is just weird. How could Kenobi and Windu not feel… dirty?

SUMMARY: The Jedi and the natives are flying above the Celadon Sea, avoiding the dangers below. The two women from the Open faction, learn that Anakin is an excellent mechanic, good at fixing just about anything. They have him fix up a few devices they’ve been holding on to. Then, everything gets crazy!
There’s a flashback with the pervy senator talking to Anakin, still down on the lower levels of Coruscsnt. Palpatine tells of how the government is full of low life’s and dirty politicians. Hey even spot one of these politicians, gambling. Palpatine is secretly testing Anakin’s judgment.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Not a bad issue. I was intrigued with the Palpatine and Anakin bit this time. I’m enjoying how the story keeps having flashbacks… sometimes flashbacks are boring, this comic handles them well.
I do have a problem with some of the “current” time stuff. Not so much the story, but the art. I had to look back a few times to understand what some of the characters were talking about, I couldn’t tell what was happening. Other than that, good issue

SUMMARY: The source of the distress signal was found! The natives that were with the Jedi had dark intentions, explaining why they were willing to work together! Anakin was taken as a prisoner to the Open factions home base in the mountains. His handiwork allowed for the Open’s war machines to be reactivated!
In the flashback, Palpatine tells Anakin to keep where they went and what they did a secret. He asks if Anakin is ready to leave the order, and if he ever did, he’d have a job for Anakin.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: I’m digging this comic run. I find it a little weird that Anakin wants to leave the order. I was pleased with the fee reveals and plot points of this issue. I’ve been really curious since issue one about who sent the distress call. I’m not disappointed.

SUMMARY: Kenobi is with the scavenger, the person who sent the distress call. Anakin is left with the youth of the Open while the adults seek out the scavenger to destroy her. A battle ensues between the Open and Closed! Anakin must escape and reach Kenobi!
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Okay… so the last issue got pretty lame. Anakin knows the whole story about the scavenger and the war, manages to turn the youth on their beliefs (somewhat). This story got a bit cheesy with the, “kids can change everything, because adults are stupid.” The scavenger lady who wanted peace, suddenly blames the Jedi for certain events.
Do I recommend you read Marvel’s Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin? I don’t want to say no… but I don’t want to say yes. It’s a quick series to read, entertaining, but be ready for a quick and horrible ending.
RATING: I will give the Obi-Wan & Anakin series a C