Star Wars: Moving Target – A Princess Leia Adventure, is a junior novel written by Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry. The book was published by Disney Lucasfilm Press as part of the Journey to The Force Awakens in 2015.

SUMMARY: General Leia is recalling events from the old days to a droid. Specifically an event that takes place after The Empire Strikes Back, before Return of the Jedi.

The rebel alliance has obtained important information, the intelligence is so important, it’s kept classified among the alliance high command. The Empire is constructing a new Death Star.

Leia comes up with a plan to distract the Empire while the alliance can regroup and prepare for a massive assault on the new Death Star. Leia wants to lead a decoy mission on the opposite side of the galaxy. The plan is to place recruitment beacons on various worlds with codes that will attract the Empire.

The alliance command approves the mission, calling it Operation Yellow Moon.

CHARACTERS: Kidi Aleri: She’s the communications expert in Leia’s crew. Never before have I been so annoyed with a character… well maybe a few, she’s on par with a few others. She’s the Jar Jar Binks of the prequels, the Mr. Bones of the Aftermath trilogy. She’s smart when it comes to remembering codes, but she’s the most ignorant, sensitive, space hippie in the galaxy. She’s so surprised that people actually die in war… she’s so stupid! Someone should have disposed of Kidi through the airlock!

Princess Leia Organa: I’m really starting to think that only one author should be allowed to write for Leia. She’s written in this book like she has in a few others, even in Legends canon. A mean, bitchy, all about herself princess. Leia gives classified information to her team… she was ant supposed to do that.

Overall Thoughts: A quick read doesn’t mean a great read. I thought the best thing about the book are the planet descriptions. The snowy mountainous planet, the tropical planet with giant lilly-pads for ships to land on, kind of silly but neat. Other than that, I found no enjoyment reading this book. The characters are boring or irritating. I’m frustrated with the misuse of character, especially Leia. The mission that Leia and her team go on, Operation Yellow Moon, doesn’t even make since for the movie timeline.  Awful books make me angry… all that time invested for nothing, geez… sometimes it feels like a weekend in Vegas, reading is gambling. I’m so glad I didn’t read this right after its release back in 2015. I really hope the upcoming Leia book set to release in September for Journey to The Last Jedi, is much better.

RATING:  I give this book a 1 out of 5