Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, was written by Charles Soule. He’s written stories for the Star Wars Comics, and he’s written his first Star Wars Novel.

This novel kicks off a brand new era in Star Wars canon, going back 200 years before the events of the Skywalker Saga.

SUMMARY: The galaxy is peaceful, war is a thing of the past. The Republic is strong. The Chancellor, Lina Soh coined the phrase, “We are all the Republic.”

Peace is tested when an unforeseen event that stems from a hyperspace lane branching out to the outer rim brings destruction and death on a massive scale. Tensions rise throughout as hyperspace lanes are closed off throughout the galaxy. The chancellor calls upon the Republic Defense Coalition (RDC) and the Jedi to investigate what exactly happened in hyperspace, what has the ability to cause planet wide devastation. The Republic was to open up a new outpost station called Starlight Beacon. It will be a Republic embassy, to serve as a fortress, security, medical facility, and even host the largest Jedi outpost outside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The Chancellor wants the RDC and the Jedi to resolve the mystery that caused such chaos before the grand opening of the Starlight Beacon.

A large group of killers, kidnapers, and raiders called the Nihil, have unintentionally put the spotlight on their regional shenanigans in the outer rim. The organization has a unique hierarchy, with three individuals that rule, and one that has the ability to provide secret pathways of hyperspace lanes, uncharted space-ways to sneak around throughout the outer rim. The Nihil wear masks to appear intimidating and remain anonymous. Their tactics are harsh and cruel, but the group must figure out a way to evolve into something more vile, more disturbing, to survive.

Wild events will test the Jedi, the Republic, and even the Nihil in the High Republic Era. Will the Jedi retain their peace and tranquility? Will the Republic stand strong? Will the Nihil overpower all that is good and conquer the galaxy? You should read the novel to find out.

CHARACTERS: There are so many wonderful characters I could pick from to talk about; Avar Kriss, Te-Ami, Bell, Lourna Dee, & even Chancellor Soh. But, I will only pick three characters I found most fascinating.

Elzar Mann is a Jedi Knight, who sees the force as a deep sea. Its depths are endless. Elzar doesn’t approach the force the same way twice. He experiments with the force, diving into the sea of its expansive presence differently each time. Many Jedi are content with the way the force works and the way they can manipulate it. Elzar constantly wants to test its limits, He believes so much can be tapped into that no one else had ever thought possible. He’s doesn’t intend to be difficult, but always open to new ideas with how to call on the force. He believes his views have held him back from achieving the title, Jedi Master.

Marchion Ro is the Eye of the Nihil. The Keeper of the paths in which the Nihil use to creep through the galaxy. He’s not quite the leader of the organization, but without him, the Nihil wouldn’t be anything special. They’d have to use the same hyperspace lanes as everyone else. Marchion has his secrets. Some that would most certainly bring about an untimely death had the high ranked Nihil called the Tempest Runners, had they found out his big secret. Marchion’s past is also shrouded in mystery. So much more could be said about this character, but after-all, this is a spoiler free review.

Porter Engle, (once known as the Blade of Bardotta) – He’s an Ikkrukki, who’s served in the Jedi Order over 300 years. He’s held many positions in the Order. Now, with old age, he likes to cook in the small outpost of the planet Ephrona. He’s wise, skilled, & cocky. He is ready and willing to give his spirit over to the force when his time is up.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: I enjoyed this book I thought it was a good story to tell to kick of a new era in Star Wars. Charles Soule does an excellent job writing new characters, planets, and planting a few little easter eggs throughout the novel.

Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi expands the Force and the Universe in the most impressive way.

The villains are complex and very interesting to read about. There are many layers to some of the characters, both hero and villain. I love that there are established characters in the book that aren’t invincible. Many aspects of the story including character outcomes and plot points are unpredictable. But yes, there are a few things that are easily predicable. Still, the character development was extraordinary. I can’t wait to read more about some of the Jedi we were introduced to in this book as well as what comes of some of the villains.

Light of the Jedi reveals new layers of the Force and adds Character’s you’re not going to get enough of!

Some story elements came across a little cheesy, but overall, it was really good. While Charles Soule does a great job with descriptions, dialogue, and character development, there are a few minor things that took me out of the Star Wars universe. This is me just being petty, but the use of words like gun & drugs, shouldn’t be used. Let’s just stick to blaster & spice. However, Soule had many poetic ways of saying things that I found most impressive.

Do I recommend you pick up Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi? Yes. A great way to introduce a new era in Star Wars!

RATING: I give this novel an A