Star Wars: Iron Fist, book six in the X-Wing Series, was written by Bestselling Author, Aaron Allston. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic Era, seven ABY (7 years after the battle of Yavin).

Warlord Admiral Zsinj is on the prowl, his hit and run tactics are brutal against the New Republic. He sits comfortably in his Star Destroyer – Iron Fist. While he seems unpredictable, New Republic Wraith Squadron narrows down his tactics through collected intel and risky groundwork.

Wraith Squadron works hard to prevent Zsinj from accomplishing one of his biggest moves yet, acquiring a super star destroyer to expand his fleet. The missions that take place to maneuver Wraith into having chance to face off against Zsinj comes with a heavy price tag; the cost… life.

In this tale, Wraith Squadron gains new members, replacing the few that were recently lost. One new member, isn’t quite who she claims to be. Lies are told, secrets are kept, and blood is shed.

Alright, this is the best one yet in the X-Wing series. This book had so many tense moments that kept me glued to the pages! I really enjoy not knowing what the outcome will be when it comes to the characters; which is the best part about “side’ characters of Star Wars. We all know the established characters will be around.

Allston does a wonderful job writing the characters of Wraith Squadron. The misfit group of pilots work well together, mostly. The plot of this book was simple, the missions were highly entertaining, and the villain really gets under the skin. The story was unpredictable, the author wasn’t afraid to kill off anyone.

Gara Petothel, has to be my favorite character in this story. One of my complaints for the previous book, Wraith Squadron, was that we didn’t get that much commando action. This book fulfills what that book lacked. The fighting on the ground was just as exciting as the fighting in the air/space. Allston does a fine job setting the scene and building up tension.

We get a peak at what happened right after that Return of the Jedi special edition scene where the people on Coruscant are pulling down the statue of Emperor Palpatine. I loved that little moment that gave us a direct tie-in visual to the film.

Do I recommend this book in the X-Wing Series? Absolutely. This book has great humor sprinkled lightly throughout, it’s not overly done. The characters are fantastically written.

I give Star Wars: X-Wing: Iron Fist, an A! Making this book the best in the series so far.