Star Wars: Darth Plagueis Book Review

Star Wars: Darth Plagueis was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, James Luceno. This novel marks the first story in the Rise of the Empire Era. It takes place around 67 to 32 years before A New Hope.


Hego Damask, head of Damask Holdings, which is a financial institute closely affiliated with the Muun’s Intergalactic Banking Clan, is secretly the Sith, Darth Plagueis. Plagueis uses his company to produce more wealth, which, in turn brings him exotic resources and political gain. Darth Plagueis is scheming to fulfill the Sith’s grand plan… to conquer the galaxy.

The Sith have remained in the shadows for far too long, the plan to rule is a massive undertaking. One cannot simply take control of the galaxy with pure ferocity and power. However, with strict strategic measures, it could be taken through political means. Darth Plagueis knows he cannot fulfill this task alone. He seeks out his apprentice, specifically one with political potential. When he stumbles upon a young and defiant Palpatine on Naboo, he takes him under his wing to mold the boy to his liking, and fulfill the Sith’s grand plan.


Darth Plagueis: In his public life, the Muun is known to others as Magister Hego Damask. He is wealthy, smart, and hungry for power. His wisdom in the dark side of the force tames his patience. He understands that in order for the Sith to conquer the galaxy they must forfeit their physical prowess and be successful in the affairs of politics. The transfer of power from the republic to the Sith is one of his goals, but his obsession with cheating death is his primary objective, but ironically… ultimately, it is his undoing.


Luceno’s word structure, or prose, is incredible. The descriptions are extremely vivid. The visuals he produces really stand out from the pages, making this book one of the most descriptive books I’ve read in the Expanded Universe. The story is so ominous, and it gives incredible insight as to how the Sith have failed in the past and how they succeeded in their quest to rule the galaxy.

With a title like Plagueis, I assumed the book would have been a bio of sorts, on where the Sith had come from… his history. Of course his name is mentioned in Revenge of the Sith so the book could have just been some shallow tale about some old Sith who was killed by his apprentice. I was wrong. The book actually covers a lot of Hego Damask’s life but also, so much of Palpatine’s raising. This book could have been titled “Sidious.” But, this story really shines light on the genius and arrogance of Darth Plagueis.

The book is loaded with tons of Sith lore, it’s so cool. The relationship between Plagueis and Sidious is full of distrust, but, that’s just the way of the Sith, they constantly test each other. The apprentice needs the master, and the master needs an apprentice that desires power, and has the drive to accomplish the grand plan. Sidious learns of Plagueis’s secret experiments of prolonging life long after he’d already been taken on as apprentice after Plagueis suffers a bad injury, which keeps the suspense and tension at a heightened level for the reader. Sidious is surprised by his masters obsession.

Plagueis says to Sidious, “Together, we are the new born stars that complete the Sith constellation.” I absolutely love how the plan to overtake the Republic unfolds, Plagueis and Sidious are master manipulators and warriors. Learning the details of Dooku and Maul adds so much more to their story, giving these shallow characters from the film so much depth. Maul was was trained as a warrior, to be the violent tool in the Sith’s back pocket when they need him. Plaguies and Sidious are on a completely different level in relation to Maul. It’s odd that Sidious would choose him to be his apprentice. It’s not that Maul isn’t intelligent, but he has no political knowledge. He is strictly focused on brute force, craving action immediately, rather than patiently.

Palpatine see’s the obsession that Plagueis has with prolonging his life. The shifting of Republic affairs has become a burden for him alone. This really goes to show how deceptive and powerful Palpatine truly is. This book is a must read for Star Wars fans. If you’ve never read a Star Wars book… if you’ve never read an Expanded Universe book, this novel is the perfect example of how awesome media tie in material can be. Darth Pagueis should be required reading for any Star Wars fan.

So, do I recommend that you read Darth Plagueis? Yes! An excellent introduction of the Sith in a new era.


I will give this book an A+. It’s a wonderful telling of Palpatine’s introduction to darkness and power and delivers an incredible insight of who Darth Plagueis was.