Marvel’s Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith: Imperial Machine Vol. 1 was written by Charles Soule. Art was done by Giuseppe Camuncoli. The story kicks off immediately after Revenge of the Sith.
SUMMARY: We start in the med bag where Vader rises from the operating table beside newly crowned Emperor Palpatine. After hearing the devastating news of Padmè, Vader lashes out on rage. He destroys the room with the force, even shoving and holding (with force grip) Darth Sidious.
Vader learns his place with the Emperor rather quickly. He is set on the task of finding a lightsaber. That means, he must hunt down a Jedi, kill them, and take the saber for himself. Once acquired, he must bleed the blade.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Pretty cool first issue. Would have been really cool to see the some of the stuff that happened here, on the big screen. I’m excited to see where this comic takes us with Vader.
Only issue I have with he issue, the set. Something is off with the design of the Emperor.

SUMMARY: Out in the mid rim, at the Jedi outpost, clone troopers are following orders by taking inventory and packing up Jedi artifacts. Some are complaining that the job is far too tedious. Those thoughts fled when a ship suddenly approached and blasted arc fighters to bits.
Vader was on the search for a Jedi to slay,so he could take his opponents lightsaber. Too bad for Vader, no Jedi were at the Brighthouse outpost, just some clone troopers. So, Vader just kills them all.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: The issue was ok, nothing too cool. Funny seeing how some of the troops were talking about wanting to be the Emperors Royal Guard. They heard rumors that the clones war time was nearly over. I hope we learn more about that in the series, I can’t recall a place in canon that that has been clarified.

SUMMARY: Vader has discovered the location of a former Jedi, one who has taken the Barash vow. Master Infil’a, he’s located in the Mid-Rim on the River Moon of Al’doleem. He keeps his mind and skills sharp, meditating and practicing his fighting skills with a training droid.
Vader crash lands his ship after Infil’a launches metallic objects at the spacecraft. Vader leaves the ship to his droid, so he may find and fight the Barash Jedi.
They meet. And what happens next is crazy.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: This issue was intense and crazy. Infil’a is a beast! I like that he’s been keeping his skills up. I’m somewhat surprised by Vader’s incompetence… then again, he just went through a ton of crap and probably hasn’t fully adjusted to his suit and robotic limbs.
This issue takes his series to the next level. Vader has a hefty challenge ahead of him.

SUMMARY: After Vader’s assumed defeat, Infil’a goes out of seclusion and into the city where his Jedi starship has been kept in storage. His plan is to seek out Vader’s master and destroy him. As Infil’a waits for tune-ups to be made before he can leave, he senses Vader again. Stunned, he leaves the hanger to find Vader atop a river dam, looking down on the city below.
Round two begins. Vader unleashes his rage, making the dam faulty… and the city drowns.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Dang, Vader’s mechanical skills save him. Love how he makes his comeback. He had no mercy! Didn’t see him killing an entire city’s population, that was shocking. He was successful in obtaining a lightsaber, I really hope we get to see him bleed the blade. I’d rather see something like that in a film, but I’ll take it in a comic!

SUMMARY: Vader gets back to his ship and is given the next mission in his quest to the dark side. Return to Mustafar and absorb the darkness and pain. He must twist the force energy within the kyber crystal of his fallen enemies lightsaber…make it bleed. This is how the Sith turn their blade, red.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: This was quick issue with few words. I really enjoyed it. We have Vader doubting his role! He has a vision of what’s to come, depending on the path he chooses. I loved the image when Vader returns to Palpatine and how he handles the Royal Imperial guards.

SUMMARY: Darth Vader is in the Med Bay, soaking a bacta tank, when Palpatine tells him he needs to modify his suit to his own liking. Vader does, and is then sent to stop an intruder at the Jedi temple! Turns out this intruder was a set up by Palpatine. An introduction to the Grand Inquisitor. The Inquisitors are another tool of the Sith master, used to hunt and destroy the remaining Jedi.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: I’m guessing Vader’s suit was torn to shreds the first few issues was because the droids that made it didn’t do a good job. With Vader’s tinkering, making improvements, I’m also guessing that’s why we probably won’t see another seriously damaged Vader suit.
I don’t like the Inquisitors. It doesn’t seem traditional or smart for the Sith to create a team of warriors with force sensitivity and skills with a lightsaber. I’d be worried they’d turn on me!
This issue wraps the first arch in the Vader series Imperial Machine.
So do I recommend that you read the Star Wars: Darth Vader – Imperial Machine? Yes. It was pretty awesome seeing what exactly happened after Lord Vader was placed in the black suit.
RATING: I give the Imperial Machine arc an A.