Star Wars: Darksaber, book two in the Callista Trilogy, was written by bestselling author, Kevin J Anderson. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic Era, 12 ABY (12 years after the Battle of Yavin).


Luke Skywalker and Callista work together in an attempt to rebuild the force strength within Callista. Since her possession of a physical body, she has lost touch with the force. 

Durga the Hutt and his goons obtain superweapon blueprints from the former Imperial Information Center. The gang plans to build a Death Star like weapon called the Darksaber. Meanwhile, Admiral Daala returns from the shadows in an attempt to bring unity amongst the shattered empire. 


Not a bad story overall, but there are many cringe worthy moments. I think Kevin J Anderson did a good job continuing what was set up in the previous book, Children of the Jedi. Often times, an author will set up something in a book, other authors will write a the next event in the timeline, but overlook most of the story that came before it. I’m glad Kevin J Anderson came back to write more of the Jedi Characters that he established in the Jedi Academy trilogy. 

I enjoyed the Hutt’s and their attempt to gain power. What I liked more than that, was the return of Admiral Daala. I think the setup for her power grab was done well; she didn’t want to be in control, but the immaturity of her peers left her with no choice but to wipe the slate clean and take the lead. 

I can’t stand the relationship between Luke and Callista. Callista says they shouldn’t be together, she shouldn’t be in Luke’s shadow, unable to do the things she was once able to. The foundation of the relationship is the force and the ability to use it… that’s stupid.

It was fun to see the empire attempt to take Yavin 4. While I like the Jedi, I do like how things haven’t been too easy for them. The resurrection of the Jedi Order has been a difficult undertaking with many challenges. 

Do I recommend you read this story? Yes.


I give Star Wars: Darksaber a C.