Star Wars: Dark Apprentice, book two of the Jedi Academy trilogy, written by bestselling author, Kevin J. Anderson. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic era, eleven years after the Battle of Yavin (ABY).


The Jedi Temple on Yavin IV has been active with the resurrection of a new Jedi Order for a few months now. Luke Skywalker is burdened with the task of rebuilding the order, training force sensitives to have control of the power within them. The location of the new Jedi temple is on ancient Massassi grounds. A haunting presence works to destroy all that Luke is attempting to build.

Disaster shakes the New Republic leadership when Akbar crashes a ship while on a diplomatic mission, which leaves thousands dead. Akbar then leaves his role in the New Republic, seeking seclusion on his home-world. Leia takes on more responsibility as Mon Mothma slowly steps out of the limelight. Yet, she wastes no time in attempting to bring Akbar back into the action.

Admiral Daalla and her imperial fleet go back to the drawing board on war tactics. Things have been changing rapidly and drastically for this fleet. After learning what’s happened throughout the galaxy during an interrogation of Han Solo and research, they find that the remnants of the Empire are preoccupied with fighting each other instead of the “rebellion.”

It appears that history is beginning to repeat itself, will the New Republic or resurrected Jedi Order survive?


There are so many cool moments in this book, things I wish we could have seen on the big screen. Kevin J. Anderson went dark in some places with this book, and I love it. The story is exciting, taking us to a new place with the characters, putting them in uncomfortable positions and throwing real challenges at them.

While I’m not too impressed with the characterization Luke, not just because he’s struggling with how to do the task set before him, but just the way he handles people and events regularly. I get the “Luke speaking to Jabba” vibes, I don’t care for his demeanor. I believe other, original characters to this story were handled very well.

This is a thing that just annoys me, it happens a lot in Star Wars, not just this story. I don’t like it when phrases that Yoda said are repeated by others, as Yoda said it. “Size matters not.” No one else talks like that, i just doesn’t flow right when others repeat it like that, they’d say, “size doesn’t matter.” I know… I’m being petty, but that’s just a Star Wars pet peeve of mine.

Kip Durran, one of Luke’s students, is eager to learn more, he appears to to be almost like a “new chosen one.” Once he makes it to the Yavin Jedi training area, what Luke calls the Praxium, he shuts himself off from socializing to focus on his abilities and studies. The spirit of Exar Kun, an ancient Sith Loard roams the Massasi grounds, seeking whom he may manipulate. Some of Luke’s students are tempted by Exar Kun… with knowledge that would exceed what Luke Skywalker could ever teach.

Do I recommend Star Wars Dark Apprentice? Yes.


I give Star Wars Jedi Academy: Dark Apprentice a B+.