Star Wars: Cloak of Deception Book Review

Star Wars: Cloak of Deception was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, James Luceno. This novel is the fourteenth event on the Legends novel timeline..It takes place 32 years before A New Hope.


The Nebula Front, is an organization that takes issue with both the Republic on Coruscant and the Trade Federation. This group launches an attack against the Trade Federation and infiltrates one of their ships to steal a cache of Aurodium Ingots, a precious element.

The Trade Federation has a small security force of armed droids, which are powered by a central control unit on the Federation ships. The rise in attacks by groups such as the Nebula Front, has brought unrest and sparked debates as to the Republics reactionary roll to the terrorism. The senator from Naboo, advises the Chancellor of the Republic, that it may be a good idea to allow the Trade Federation to increase its own security droid force. The catch would be that trade would be subject to Republic trade taxation.

As the motion is introduced to the senate floor by Chancellor Valorem. The governing body has a mixed reaction to the idea of arming the Trade Federation and its taxation. Surely the price of goods would increase! Senator Palpatine calls for a Summit in Eradu, where the politicians can discuss matters further and work out the details. During this political mayhem, an assassination attempt is made on the Chancellor!

In this book, we learn how the Jedi overstep their bounds by getting to closely involved in political matters. This story is an important step into the Star Wars film saga. (The Legends Timeline)


In this novel we are introduced to a few familiar characters we see in the films, I’ll mention a few that are well known and one new character.

Finis Valorum: The chancellor of the Republic. His job is a stressful, difficult one. He’s calm and collected, but the burden of current events is heavy on him. He wants peace within the republic and

Cohl: He’s a mercenary, who took a job with the Nebula front. He’s tactical and thorough. The thought of retirement is pulling at him. However, the easy-going farm life may be just too dull for Cohl. Half his heart belongs to Rella, and the other half to action. He keeps getting himself sucked into more work for more credits.

Qui-Gon Jinn: He’s a Jedi master, inquisitive, and wise. He’s always focusing on the living force (the force that binds all living beings together) to guide him. Qui-Gon is stern and unafraid to confront the Jedi Council of his concerns. He’s a good master to his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, keeping him on his toes; everything is a lesson to be learned. Qui-Gon is a great detective, trusting his gut and the force. He seems to be aware of a darker force manipulating events across the galaxy.

Senator Palpatine: He’s a senator from Naboo, serving the Republic on the capital world, Coruscant. He plays as a trusty adviser to Valorum, the Chancellor of the Republic, but insures he must remain loyal to his home world, Naboo. Palpatine’s identity as a Sith, Darth Sidious is his secret. As the cloaked Dark Lord, he has allied with the Nemodian Trade-Federation, using them as a pawn to manipulate the galaxy to his design.


I enjoyed this book quite a bit. The political aspect was entertaining and easy to follow. I believe this novel borders on the genre of political thriller. It’s hard to talk about this book and not mention Episode I: The Phantom Menace; it’s an excellent build up to the film! Palatine is a master of disguise as he plays his role in the senate as a trusty servant to the Republic. Meanwhile, in the shadows he manipulates the galaxy to his twisted will.

I love how the author gives a character that we’ll read about way down the line in the legends canon, a little cameo. We learn a lot about Qui-Gon Jinn in this novel, it actually helps me understand and appreciate his character and personality. His perspective on the force is unique and defines who he is a Jedi.

The novel is a great prequel to The Phantom Menace as it gives a great introduction to the instability of the galactic republic and how the Trade Federation became so menacing.

So, do I recommend that you read Cloak of Deception? Yes! A wonderful buildup to Episode I: The Phantom Menace


I will give this book a B+. The politics and action is well balanced!