Star Wars: Children of the Jedi, book one in the Callista Trilogy, was written by bestselling author, Barbra Hambly. This Expanded Universe tale takes place during the New Republic Era, 12 ABY (12 years after the Battle of Yavin).


It’s revealed that there is a group of lost Jedi children that were hidden from the Emperor during the days of his reign. Han, Chewie, and Leia head to the planet Belsavis to investigate this revelation. Meanwhile, a force user taps into an Emperial vessel, to reactive the mission it was set to accomplish long ago. 

Luke Skywalker on his own mission, winds up on an old secret weapon of the Empire, The Eye of Palpatine,. The Eye of Palpatine is a ship that was somehow reactivated to carry out its mission; gather troops from across the galaxy and destroy Belsavis. 

Luke meets the force ghost of long dead Jedi, Callista. She had been on a mission long ago to stop the Eye of Palpatine, but managed to somewhat succeed through failure; while not able to stop the battle-moon physically, she possessed it with her spirit. Together, they must stop the Eye of Palpatine before it destroyed the world of Belsavis!


I’ve already reviewed many books published by Bantam Books, it was a different time for the Star Wars Expanded Universe. To me, these books just have a different vibe than other stories in the EU. Not negative feelings… just different. I know a lot of EU fans aren’t a fan of this book, but I don’t think its all bad. 

This book has a lot of strange things going on. It’s weird, and sometimes weird can be fantastic in sci-fi/fantasy. I don’t care for too much weirdness in my Star Wars though. The brainwashing of Gamorreans, Tusken Raiders, and other aliens to become servants of the Empire is just funny to me. I do like that there are more force users in the galaxy, some using it for evil. 

I like that the past is still threating the future/present. The Eye of Palpatine is a pretty cool ship and weapon system. I like that Hambly established some lore with the Jedi, and though I don’t really care for the ghost of Callista possessing not just a machine, but another body, was a tad strange. That sort of thing seems to me, like it’s the dark side, a way to prolong life, the type of thing Darth Sidious and Plagueis were trying to accomplish. 

I am not a fan of the way Luke was written. He’s portrayed as weak, easily giving in to his emotions. I mean, he falls in love with a possessed computer, the ghost of a long dead jedi! He even tells her he doesn’t want her to die… She’s a ghost! I also think that the internal conflict with Mara Jade is a little overdone. She finds out that there was another with the title “Emperor’s Hand” and it makes her angry. 

Do I recommend you read this book? Sure, it gets weird but is a fun adventure. 


I give Star Wars: Children of the Jedi, a C.