Star Wars: A New Dawn Book Review

Star Wars: A New Dawn Book Review

Star Wars: A New Dawn was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, John Jackson Miller. The book is published by Del-Rey, and contains a forward by Clone Wars and Rebels creator, Dave Filoni. This novel is the first entry in Disney’s new canon expanded universe. This is also my first book review, so bare with me as I get a grip on the world of reviewing. 

A New Dawn takes place many years after the galactic Clone Wars. The Empire is in full force throughout the galaxy, establishing its dominance over former republic worlds.  The story is a tie-in novel to the new Disney animated series, Rebels. We’re introduced to Kanan and Hera, detailing how they come to know each other. We follow the duo on a crazy mission to defy the Empire and the menacing cyborg villain, Count Vidian. The story was entertaining and the characters were done well. John Jackson Miller is an excellent author.

Rating: I give Star Wars: A New Dawn a B