Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, was written by Charles Soule. He’s written stories for the Star Wars Comics, and he’s written his first Star Wars Novel.
This novel kicks off a brand new era in Star Wars canon, going back 200 years before the events of the Skywalker Saga.
SUMMARY: The galaxy is peaceful, war is a thing of the past. The Republic is strong. The Chancellor, Lina Soh coined the phrase, “We are all the Republic.”
Peace is tested when an unforeseen event that stems from a hyperspace lane branching out to the outer rim brings destruction and death on a massive scale. Tensions rise throughout as hyperspace lanes are closed off throughout the galaxy. The chancellor calls upon the Republic Defense Coalition (RDC) and the Jedi to investigate what exactly happened in hyperspace, what has the ability to cause planet wide devastation. The Republic was to open up a new outpost station called Starlight Beacon. It will be a Republic embassy, to serve as a fortress, security, medical facility, and even host the largest Jedi outpost outside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The Chancellor wants the RDC and the Jedi to resolve the mystery that caused such chaos before the grand opening of the Starlight Beacon.
A large group of killers, kidnapers, and raiders called the Nihil, have unintentionally put the spotlight on their regional shenanigans in the outer rim. The organization has a unique hierarchy, with three individuals that rule, and one that has the ability to provide secret pathways of hyperspace lanes, uncharted space-ways to sneak around throughout the outer rim. The Nihil wear masks to appear intimidating and remain anonymous. Their tactics are harsh and cruel, but the group must figure out a way to evolve into something more vile, more disturbing, to survive.
Wild events will test the Jedi, the Republic, and even the Nihil in the High Republic Era. Will the Jedi retain their peace and tranquility? Will the Republic stand strong? Will the Nihil overpower all that is good and conquer the galaxy? You should read the novel to find out.
CHARACTERS: There are so many wonderful characters I could pick from to talk about; Avar Kriss, Te-Ami, Bell, Lourna Dee, & even Chancellor Soh. But, I will only pick three characters I found most fascinating.
Elzar Mann is a Jedi Knight, who sees the force as a deep sea. Its depths are endless. Elzar doesn’t approach the force the same way twice. He experiments with the force, diving into the sea of its expansive presence differently each time. Many Jedi are content with the way the force works and the way they can manipulate it. Elzar constantly wants to test its limits, He believes so much can be tapped into that no one else had ever thought possible. He’s doesn’t intend to be difficult, but always open to new ideas with how to call on the force. He believes his views have held him back from achieving the title, Jedi Master.
Marchion Ro is the Eye of the Nihil. The Keeper of the paths in which the Nihil use to creep through the galaxy. He’s not quite the leader of the organization, but without him, the Nihil wouldn’t be anything special. They’d have to use the same hyperspace lanes as everyone else. Marchion has his secrets. Some that would most certainly bring about an untimely death had the high ranked Nihil called the Tempest Runners, had they found out his big secret. Marchion’s past is also shrouded in mystery. So much more could be said about this character, but after-all, this is a spoiler free review.
Porter Engle, (once known as the Blade of Bardotta) – He’s an Ikkrukki, who’s served in the Jedi Order over 300 years. He’s held many positions in the Order. Now, with old age, he likes to cook in the small outpost of the planet Ephrona. He’s wise, skilled, & cocky. He is ready and willing to give his spirit over to the force when his time is up.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: I enjoyed this book I thought it was a good story to tell to kick of a new era in Star Wars. Charles Soule does an excellent job writing new characters, planets, and planting a few little easter eggs throughout the novel.
Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi expands the Force and the Universe in the most impressive way.
The villains are complex and very interesting to read about. There are many layers to some of the characters, both hero and villain. I love that there are established characters in the book that aren’t invincible. Many aspects of the story including character outcomes and plot points are unpredictable. But yes, there are a few things that are easily predicable. Still, the character development was extraordinary. I can’t wait to read more about some of the Jedi we were introduced to in this book as well as what comes of some of the villains.
Light of the Jedi reveals new layers of the Force and adds Character’s you’re not going to get enough of!
Some story elements came across a little cheesy, but overall, it was really good. While Charles Soule does a great job with descriptions, dialogue, and character development, there are a few minor things that took me out of the Star Wars universe. This is me just being petty, but the use of words like gun & drugs, shouldn’t be used. Let’s just stick to blaster & spice. However, Soule had many poetic ways of saying things that I found most impressive.
Do I recommend you pick up Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi? Yes. A great way to introduce a new era in Star Wars!
Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendency Chaos Rising, was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Timothy Zahn.
This tale takes place after the events of Attack of the Clones, however there are memories sections in the story that that reach further back in time to significant moments in our characters lives.
SUMMARY: A ship is discovered on the outskirts of the Chiss Ascendency, its crew, dead. There was also an attack on the Chiss capital, but it was a quick attack that led to nothing but curiosity and confusion. An investigation of the discovered ship leads General Ba’kif, of the Chiss Ascendency to believe the attack on the Chiss world was a distraction from the root cause of the drifting, dead ship. Further investigation, leads to the discovery of the Nikardun. The Nikardun are ruled by Yiv the Benevolent, they travel from world to world in the Chaos, adding new allies to their Nikardun Destiny.
Thrawn is not too impressed by Yiv’s tactics, but is displeased by the conquers treatment and manipulation of other worlds. Thrawn takes it upon himself to expose Yiv for what he is, a coward and a a user. In this story, Yiv the Benevolent is trying to persuade the Vak, citiziens of the world Primea, to join his rule. What the Vak don’t know, is that if they don’t join the Nikardun Destiny, that death will reign down upon them. Thrawn believes the Chiss need to stop the Nikardun, but the Synidcure, or Chiss government, disagrees. Well, Thrawn is no politician, but will take whatever means necessary to fulfill his mission, whether the Chiss Ascendency is with him, or against him.
Will Thrawn defeat The Nikardun? Will he be cast out from the Ascendancy? You’ll need to pick the book and read it to find out!
CHARACTERS: Zahn delivers a great tale with rich characters and edge of your seat action! The story gives us a great full cast of characters. Some are familiar to Star Wars readers, while most, are introduced for the first time.
Admiral Ar’alani: She’s a successful Admiral of the Chiss Ascendency. She’s loyal to her people and protective of Thrawn. She uses her rank to help shield some of Thrawn’s reckless yet brilliant tactics from the Syndicure’s (Chiss government’s) wraith. She will do what’s right for her people, even if it means a slap on the wrist.
Yiv the Benevolent: He’s a pretty mean dude, he is wrathful of those who stand against him or deny him. He craves power and puts on a front of peace to lure new systems into his Nikardun Destiny. Once he has made his treaties, he bends the cultures and systems to his will.
Thrawn: He’s the man with the plan. He always remains calm and level headed. He doesn’t really care what others think of him. While he’s an expert in military warfare tactics, he’s not the best politician. He likes art, a trait we’ve seen remain consistent in other Thrawn stories, by studying a cultures art, he can learn that cultures defense tactics, not quite sure how that’s possible, but, whatever. Thrawn is highly intelligent and can’t seem to just be still, he’s got to be on some mission, authorized or not.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: This novel, while treading on familiar ground with a character that was introduced first in the Star Wars Expanded Universe or Legends canon, then given a trilogy in the current canon, ended up being a breath of fresh air. The social agendas that many of us fans pick up on in many of the new novels is absent in this book, and it’s so refreshing. Finally, a book without some real world political stance. The real Star Wars EU vibe has been restored in this novel.
Zahn brings the Expanded Universe heart back to canon.
I’m going to be honest. When I first started reading I was pretty hyped. Then I was hit with a touch of boredom, I started thinking too much about Star Wars as a whole and how fandom is so divided, and wanted to put the book down. Then, the book hit the gas, and I had to buckle up for one heck of a ride.
The characters names can be a little too difficult to grasp, I don’t like how complicated they are. I can make up a way to say the names in my head, but can’t actually speak them. Yet, the characters were written very well. We get a good sense of what makes these characters tick. We understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Zahn delivers a great tale with rich characters and edge of your seat action!
The memories sections were important to the stories main timeline. However, it would have been cool if instead of having these “memories” chapters in the book, that a short novella had been printed, a short Thrawn prequel novel about his youth. It would have made some things less predictable, as many of the memories foreshadow many actions or events that take place in a following chapter for the current story timeline.
I enjoyed the book overall, the political and familial aspect of the Chiss culture is elaborate and unique, we haven’t fully explored an alien culture in Star Wars to this extent. I love it. Hopefully we dive even deeper into it in the next Thrawn novel.
As this is book one of a new trilogy, the ending leaves it open, as it should. I would have appreciated something a little more nail biting at the end, but I’m pleased with the ending we did get. It gets the mind going with theories, which is also a fun way to end a book.
Do I recommend you pick up Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendency Chaos Rising? Yes, I do. Like I said, there’s no social agenda that I picked up on this story, it’s a true Star Wars tale.
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Star Wars: Shadow Fall was written by New York Times Best Selling author, Alexander Freed. Shadow Fall is book two in the Alphabet Squadron Series.
SUMMARY: The Imperial remnants are scattered across the galaxy still fighting against the newly formed republic, desperately holding strong to it’s territories. In this novel, the story focuses primarily in the Cerberon system over the planet Troithe. New Republic forces including Alphabet Squadron, fight against the imperials to take hold of the capital. A plan is devised to lure Shadow Wing, the deadly TIE Fighter unit out into the open. Shadow Wing had gone silent since the last major event from book one, the battle at Pandem Nai.
Once the TIE unit shows itself to Alphabet Squadron and the rest of the New Repbulic forces, the war over Troithe intensifies. Will Alphabet Squadron hold strong and put an end to Shadow Wing? Will Shadow Wing once again commit mass genocide on another innocent planet? You’ll have to get the book and read for yourself to know the outcome of this page turner!
CHARACTERS: The cast of characters from Alphabet Squadron continue on in this novel. In my review of book one, I spoke briefly on Yrica Quell & Wyl Lark. Now, I will mention Chass na Chadic and Soran Keize
Chass na Chadic: She was inspired by Jyn Erso, a real hero, not a myth or a legend. Chass is aggressive and sometimes a little moody. She seems lost, like she doesn’t know who she truly is, who she’s meant to be or become. She’s defiant and doesn’t get along with the others too well. She tunes out the others others by cranking up music in her cockpit. Her childhood was rough, but the things she’s learned from that time in her life, help her through a difficult and somewhat odd event in the current battle.
Soran Keize: Major Soran Keize, holds the empire in disdain after Operation Cinder. His eyes were opened to just how dark the Emperor truly was. The Empire wasn’t a just government with it best interests aimed at protecting and serving the people of the galaxy. It was all about power. His love of the Empire died, his loyalty to Shadow Wing remains, and his hunger for revenge against Alphabet Squadron is fierce.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Alexander Freed proves once again that he is an A-list author. Formation of the New Republic isn’t easy at all! I love that we get to see how fierce and powerful the imperial remnants still are, of course they would be, this tale does take place before the Battle of Jakku. The Empire was massive, the battle didn’t end with Endor, like some military troops may have thought. You can feel the desperation of the soldiers and pilots. The war isn’t over but the desire for the fighting to stop is great. The tension is extremely high in this story. Emotions the characters go through bleed from the pages! Many moments will raise your anxiety and keep you glued to the book.
You’ll burn through these pages so fast it’ll likely ignite a fire!
It’s a wonderful, deeper character study for a few of the characters. In the previous novel they had a more mysterious edge, their backgrounds weren’t explored. In this novel, we explore the past of a certain character that helps drive the plot forward. The story progresses by jumping from one character’s perspective to the next. It’s quite simple to follow for a war story that has so much going on. Freed is one of those authors that understands character development and how to make each character unique. The dialogue was great! Tension, guilt, surprise, anger, etc. were written so well.
War at its worst, Diversity at its best. There’s a character everyone can relate to!
I was pleasantly surprised by certain outcomes in the story. My skin prickled with chills multiple times. Rarely do I audibly react to things that happen in a book. This book summoned two audible gasps and wide eyed “wow” reaction. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Alphabet Squadron, the first book in this trilogy… Shadow Fall opened my mind to appreciate the first book a little more. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. I can’t recall finishing a book while having chills and an drooping jaw from surprise.
So, do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Shadow Fall? Yes! I wasn’t a big fan of the first book, but this second installment was outstanding!
RATING: I will give this book an A+
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Star Wars: Free Fall is a YA Novel written by Alex Segura & published by Disney Lucasfilm Press. This novel explores the history of Poe Dameron, so it takes place several years before The Force Awakens.
After the credits role in this video I’ll reveal a character that makes a brief cameo in the book that made me smile!
Watch the video!
SUMMARY: After the death of his mother, Poe Dameron has a hard time connecting with his father, who prefers to have Poe stick close by and live off the land on the family farm. However, Poe just can’t do it, he has too much of his mother in him (Shara Bey, former pilot), he’s desperate to get off Yavin IV and have an adventure.
A team of smugglers make a pit stop on Yavin IV. As luck would have it, Poe and the gang run into each other at a local bar. Coincidentally, they need a pilot, and Poe desperatly needs a way off Yavin 4. He’s duped into joining the group, who introduced themselves as smugglers. However, smugglers they are not, they are actually the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Smugglers are scoundrles, Spice Runners are also scoundrles, but also… much more dangerous and theiving.
Poe gets involved with the gang, but he is extremely conflicted by his decision to do so and can’t help but think of who he was, is, and who he will become. It’s a tale of hope, choices, love, & family. We follow Poe Dameron on his youthful adventure as a Spice Runner of Kijimi and how it shapes him into the man he becomes.
CHARACTERS: There’s a cast of many new characters, but I’m going to mention two that are familiar.
Poe Dameron: He’s stubborn and has a hard time staying true to himself. He craves adventure more than anything, and sacrifices much to get what he wants… or is it what he really wants? Poe is the son of veteran Rebel fighters. His mother was A-Wing pilot, Shara Bey. His father, Kes Dameron, had belonged to a ground force unit known as the Pathfinders. Poe is conflicted, he does’nt want to be told what to do or how to live his life. He faces challenges head on and tends to learn the hard way.
Zorii Wynn: That’s right I said Zorii Wynn, she goes by a different name at this point in her youth. She’s a young gun in the Spice Runners of Kijimi. She has a thing for Poe, but a bigger thing for the lifestyle of the Spice Runners. She’s strong willed and knows exactly what she wants. She’s prepared for action and ready to strike, whatever the target may be. Zorii’s portrayl in this tale explains so much more about who she is in The Rise of Skywalker.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: The book starts off with a bang, a pretty intense action sequence! We quickly learn of Poe’s relationship with his father and his hearts desires. The book is action packed, pretty much from start to finish. It does slow down in parts to build on character moments between some of the cast. These moments are necessary and done well. The book is a YA novel, but sometimes it reads like a junior novel. However, there are elements in the book that are too mature for a junior novel.
It’s a tale of hope, choices, love, & family.
I am a little disappointed overall with the book, some things just didn’t make much sense. The way some characters spoke was a little odd, like what they said was supposed to be smart or comical. Same goes for some of the writing in general.
For example, “The trio turned to see a group officers shooting first and asking questions later.” It just doesn’t make sense, “they saw a them asking questions later?” In the present?
Writing elements were repetitive making the structure predictable. Dialogue, action, thoughts, dialogue, action thoughts, repeat. The writing was nondescriptive, so imagining the story in my head was rather difficult. I don’t need everything described and laid out for me, but a little more description would have been beneficial.
It’s succeeds as a fast paced action packed Star Wars tale!
Hyperspace skipping, this book proves that it’s pretty dumb concept. When the group is in trouble, they decide to hyperspace skip, jump from one dangerous location to the next, with hopes of slowing down their pursuers. Why not just go somewhere far away or just correct the issue while in hyperspace? Maybe the book is confirming that hyperspace is pretty much instantaneous and doesn’t take days to weeks to travel somewhere at great distances? I don’t like that one bit. So for this, I don’t know if it’s author to blame the story group. My bet goes to the story group, because we’ve seen this on film.
The Spice Runners of Kijimi are supposed to be so awesome and dangerous, they don’t really come off as such, becuase I can’t recall a single spice running scheme. Yes, there are crazy things the group gets involved in, but seeing what the spice runners actually do isn’t a thing we see.
Zorii’s portrayl in this tale explains so much more about who she is in The Rise of Skywalker.
So, do I recommend that you read Poe Dameron Free Fall? I’m going to say yes, especially if you like Poe Dameron and want more backstory on Zorii Bliss.
If you would like to order this book, I have placed a link to purchase Poe Dameron Free Fall below.
We follow Poe Dameron on his youthful adventure as a Spice Runner of Kijimi and how it shapes him into the man he becomes.
RATING: I will give this YA Novel a C+. It wasn’t bad, it just take issue with some writing choices. Plus, it’s hard to suprise us when we know the outcome of major characters.
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Star Wars: Resistance Reborn was written by Rebecca Roanhorse. This novel is marked with the Journey to The Rise of Skywalker banner, preparing us for the final Skywalker saga film.
SUMMARY: The Millennium Falcon holds the remanence of the Resistance. After the events of The Last Jedi, all but a handful of the Resistance have perished. The small group is hurtling through space in a desperate attempt to find a safe haven to refuel and rest. Poe Dameron has sought out his Black Squadron, who’d been preoccupied with a mission of their own and informed them of their losses, and confessed his actions. Black Squadron remains loyal to Dameron despite his failure. Soldiers are important, but what Leia also needs, is a leadership team.
Rebecca Roanhorse writes a hopeful tale filled with nostalgia, connectivity, and thrills!
It’s brought to Leia’s attention that a number of allies may have been captured by the First Order. In this novel, the mission of the Resistance, is to find allies to build up their numbers… and survive.
CHARACTERS: This book does something fresh in canon with characters. Of course we have the popular Resistance characters left over from The Last Jedi, but so many other characters are either new, or brought in from other media. I’m not going to go deep into all the characters, but I’ll mention two that we have been introduced to in previous material, and just one other character.
Rey: She’s awkward, very awkward. Although she’s with the Resistance physically, mentally, she’s absent. She has a really hard time expressing herself and doesn’t know how to relate to anyone around her. She only really feels comfortable around Finn. We don’t get a lot of action with Rey in this novel. I’m not sure how to interpret her as a character in this book. I get the feeling that maybe the author wasn’t really given the freedom to fully dive into character details. Rey is very confused, maybe even conflicted.
Roanhorse nails it! This is definitely a book the Star Wars fans have needed!
Shriv Suurgav: He’s a Duros, an alien with a big head, blue skin, and bulbous red eyes. He makes his return to canon material! He was a character in the video game Battlefront II. He’s got a fun sense of humor, the go to character for comic relief. His presence is a welcome one. I hope we get to see more of him in future novels or possibly a cameo in The Rise of Skywalker.
Wedge Antilles: He’s retired from the military lifestyle, living in the outer-rim just living his life. He’d done so much for the Rebel Alliance, fighting in all the major battles and doing what most of his peers did do, survive. He’s an old man now, living with his wife in peace on an outer rim world. However, he’s got his bug-out-bag packed and ready for the day if he’s ever needed. Now, after the First Order decimated the New Republic and nearly wiped out the Resistance… Wedge is hesitant, but willing to jump back into the fray.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: This book was pretty darn good. Rebecca Roanhorse writes a hopeful tale filled with nostalgia, connectivity, and thrills! In my opinion, this book reminded me of how it feels reading the original Star Wars Expanded Universe. By that, I mean that this story is so connected to the overall canon. The return of many characters from across different mediums was so awesome. Roanhorse brings in things from comics, video games, the original film trilogy, and other novels.
While the story is fun and the plot thrilling, the dialogue is mostly fair. Some of the characters were written spot on, some not so much. I believe that may be a result of an upcoming film involving these characters. The humor from Shriv was excellent, it was organic. Many other comic lines from other characters came across a little forced and just too silly, not funny. My only other complaint would be the usage of the social justice quota. The sexual orientation of a side character is unimportant and irrelevant to the overall story or to the character in general. Stop with the forced “millennial emotional equality” checklist and tell the story naturally.
This novel is great, Rebecca Roanhorse nailed it. I’d say this is definitely a book the Star Wars fans have been wanting.
So, do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Resistance Reborn? Yes, it’s a book that brings in so much from the overall canon story.
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Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge – Black Spire was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Delilah S. Dawson. She also wrote the novel, Phasma. Galaxy’s Edge – Black Spire is a tie-in novel to Disney’s Star Wars theme park, Galaxy’s Edge. Delilah S Dawson tells a wonderful adventure story that takes hope to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.
SUMMARY: This tale takes place after the events of The Last Jedi. After the resistance suffered a terrible blow when the First Order reduced their numbers in a cat and mouse chase, through hyperspace. The small fleet desperately needs to increase its headcount along with a place to set up camp.
General Leia calls on Resistance spy Vi Moradi, who recently, just barely escaped with her life, along with a dying First Order Captain, from the clutches of the First Order. Moradi is to head to the planet Batuu, on the furthest reaches of known space, to set up a resistance base and recruit Resistance soldiers. She won’t go alone on this mission, her new partner is her former foe… Archex, formally known as Captain Cardinal.
Follow Resistance spy, Vi Moradi, as she goes on a wild escapade to find hope a home in the furthest reaches of the galaxy.
The mission falls flat when Moradi’s ship crashes on Batuu, on the outskirts of Black Spire Outpost. While Vi and Archex are unconscious and their droid wrecked to bits, their ship is raided and all their goods, including their long-range communication equipment, is stolen. Now Vi Moradi has to figure out a way to get back their lost supplies, recruit to her cause, and contact General Leia.
Oh… and figure out a way to work with the local gangster and fight against the First Order!
CHARACTER: From a line up of new characters and a few familiar, I’m mentioning two… slightly familiar.
Vi Moradi: Vi is a horrible spy. She wears a jacket with the resistance logo, and has her hair dyed with blue… when you’re a spy, you should blend in to your surroundings, don’t have logos on or near you. She talks too much, telling people she just meets that her mission is to recruit folks to the resistance She’s reckless, careless in fact. However, she’s put into a rough situation and manages to pull through.
Archex: He’s a wounded warrior, on the mend from a life-threatening poison. He’s seen, first hand, how the First Order can be. After the crash landing on Batuu, Archex feels helpless and he can’t stand it. The toll on his battle with Phasma has done serious permanent damage to his body. He can hardly do any physical activity for the resistance, which makes him feel more like a burden than a contributor. He’s loyalty to the Resistance is unclear, making it difficult to trust him.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Delilah S. Dawson delivers a fun, action-packed, high-stakes adventure! In my overall review section, I give my honest opinion. This novel is mostly easy to read, but for me, there are a few parts that I feel drag a little. Yet, the plot is simple, making the adventure feel like an enjoyable classic.
I had a hard time taking Vi Moradi serious. Her sarcasm at odd times and cockiness was a little much. If she’s one of the best in the Resistance, then yeah, the Resistance is in serious trouble. I didn’t like how this spy was so outspoken and flamboyant about who she was and what she was doing on the planet. Most of the other characters in the story were well written. Archex/Captain Cardinal was an interesting choice of character to bring back. I don’t know if bringing him back (pretty much from the dead) was really necessary. However, Archex does have a pretty cool moment in the book that might make you pump your fist in the air.
The dialogue isn’t too bad. Sometimes I think the sprinkled sarcasm from Vi Moradi (as mentioned before) was off putting. The Batuuan cultural greetings are a nice touch, making Batuu feel like a real place.
Dawson’s writing style in this novel was pretty straight forward, telling a linear story without cutting to past events. The book is good advertisement for Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge theme park, and it does fit in nicely with the overall Star Wars story, progressing events forward. Some of the writing was a little choppy, making the final climax come off like an 80’s or 90’s action movie. It was quick wrap up to a story that could have been a little shorter to build up to the final climax. Meaning, two opposing sides somehow knowingly expecting an event at specific time.A few story points felt a little repetitive, some events being too similar to each other multiple times… cut have cut some of that out.
There are a few teases and call backs that raise a few questions and stir excitement. Overall the book was pretty good despite the few dull and overly exaggerated moments.
Do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Black Spire by Delilah S. Dawson? Sure, especially if you have plans to visit Galaxy’s
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