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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Novelization Review

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Novelization Review

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Novelization Review


Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Novelization was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Terry Brooks. This tale takes place during the the Rise of the Empire Era, taking place 32 years before A New Hope.


The galactic trade federation oversteps its bounds and releases its droid army against Naboo after a trade dispute. The Jedi step in to bring peace to the whole situation, but find themselves unable to do so. The Jedi assist in protecting the Queen of Naboo, leaving her home planet. They find themselves stranded o far away planet Tatooine, where they need to find parts to repair their ship. While there, Jedi Master Qui-Got Jinn comes across a young boy, Anakin, who is force sensitive. Qui-Got feels that this boy will be something great, someone that could potentially be spoken of in Jedi prophecy, the chosen one… the individual to bring balance to the force.


This novelization was fine, a lot of it reflected the film almost beat for beat. We did have a few additions to the story, such as a pod race with Anakin, which was pretty cool. Something that I found goofy was this exchange that Anakin has with the Sand People, or to be politically correct, Tusken People.

We do have mention of Darth Vane but it’s said that he had a male apprentice. Well, I’ve read the Darth Bane trilogy, Zannah… was a female.

I found it interesting that Qui-Got actually sold Anakins Podracer after Anakins victory to Sabulba, Anakins pod racing rival.

There really isn’t all that much to say about the book or the plot, let’s get real, if you’re watching this, you’ve probably seen the film… at least 5 times. Maul speaks a bit more, he has a verbal exchange with the trade federation folks.

The final thing worth mentioning that I found just bizarre is that at Qui-Gons funeral, doves were released… ha what?

So, do I recommend that you read The Phantom Menace novelization? No need to, while it did add some to the story, it’s not enough to go out of your way to read.



I will give this book a B.

Star Wars: Shatterpoint Book Review

Star Wars: Shatterpoint Book Review

Star Wars: Shatterpoint Book Review


Star Wars: Shatterpoint was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Matthew Stover. Shatterpoint takes place during the Rise of the Empire Era, it is the 27th book on the Expanded Universe timeline . The tale takes place 22 years before the events of A New Hope.



Mace Windu is irritated with himself, he had the opportunity to rid the galaxy of Count Dooku, but failed to execute the Separatist leader. Windu is living with that failure daily, his living nightmare, as the galaxy is now in a full scale war. Master Yoda and Mace Windu meet with Chancellor Palpatine to discuss some disturbing evidence that was discovered involving Master Windu’s former Padawan, Council Member Depa Billaba.

Depa Billaba is on Haruun Kal (WIndu’s homeworld) to train natives how to fight as a guerrilla resistance force against the Separatists. An audio file was found at a massacre on Haruun Kal with Depa’s voice. It appears, that she has turned potentially turned to the dark side. Mace will take it upon himself to go to Haruun Kal to investigate matters on the planet, to find out if this is true.

The planet is an absolute warzone, Windu is met by violence and betrayl. He’s captured by militiamen, but let go, in order to find the “Jedi problem in the wilderness” Windu has a lot to learn about Haruun Kal, not just about the war taking place between the Republic and the Separatists, but the war that’s taking place between the Haruun Kal people, the Balawaii and Korunnai. This war, is known as the Summertime War.

Will Mace Windu find Depa Billaba? Has his former Padawan, a member on the Jedi Council, turned to the dark side? Well the book has been reprinted and is now available in an unabridged audiobook, I suggest you give it a read or listen to find out!


Mace Windu, Jedi Master on the High Council, is guided by the force to see shatter points. He’s able to see weaknesses/breaking points of people or events, and how they can effect everything around them. (for example, Dooku is a shatter-point for the civil war. If he could be broken, the war could potentially crumble away.) Windu is lean, intense, intellectual, and very strong willed. It’s why he had become a council member before the age of 30. The Jedi Master had been on the council for more than 20 years before the battle of Geonosis. He’s tempted many times to go against what is right, he’s even got a temper, but he does have excellent self control.

Kar Vaster: He’s the leader of the Upland Liberation Front. The man is a creepy mystery. He’s got an aura about him that’s shrouded in darkness. In his youth, he witnessed the death of his family, which changed him for the worse. As a child, he had to survive on his own in the jungle. He’s now a witch doctor, a fierce warrior, and a manipulator. People fear him. When he walks through the jungle, it’s as though the trees and brush move aside.


I enjoyed this book, mostly. The first half was very strong, Stover was clear in all that was happening. I found the characters interesting and true to how I’ve seen them on screen and how I imaged they would be in another story. I felt that the second half of the story was weighed down heavily with far too much action. Yes, I know – Star WARS, but it was just too much at times. That said, I was still fully engaged in the story, even if some details escaped me.

Mace Windu is basically dropped in the Vietnam War of the Star Wars universe. His birth planet, Haruun Kal is such a brutal place with constant war and lush jungle full of danger. Militiamen, nasty insects, a dark force, a rogue Jedi… it’s not a fun place to be. Mace has a full arc that was satisfying in the end. He had to fight not just the enemies around him, but he had to fight the darkness creeping within.

There are sections in the book labeled, “From the Private Journal of Mace WIndu” I think it’s an interesting way of getting in Mace’s head, to know what he’s thinking. I enjoyed the entries – Mace giving his thoughts and recording facts about what he’s witnessing and experiencing. These journal entries are encrypted immediately, and uploaded to the Jedi archives, so they can’t be altered or deleted. A cool touch.

There is one thing I found a bit too silly, it’s implied that Mace Windu flips up the middle finger to a couple bad dudes. It was humorous, but it wasn’t that funny.

The ending of this book without spoiling anything, is one of my favorite types of endings in a book. I’ll just say, I love a good tragedy. That’s not a spoiler… because you don’t know what I find tragic. The outcome of the characters and the results of what plays out on Haruun Kal, is fantastic.

Do I recommend Star Wars: Shatterpoint? The answer, is yes. I like Mace Windu, and I’m glad we have novel with him as the main character.


I will give Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover, a B+

Star Wars: The Approaching Storm Book Review

Star Wars: The Approaching Storm Book Review

Star Wars: The Approaching Storm Book Review


Star Wars: The Approaching Storm was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Alan Dean Foster. This novel is set during the Rise of the Empire Era, taking place just before Attack of the Clones, 22 years before A New Hope.


The world of Anison is at a crossroads. They must chose to remain with the Republic, or fall out to join the growing Separatist movement. If Anison does leave the Republic, many other worlds would be influenced by this action and follow suit. The Jedi Council has sent two teams of Jedi to attempt to keep the leadership of Anison happy, and to win them over in order to keep them from leaving the Republic.

 With the arrival of the Jedi, the Separatists hire Soergg the Hutt to interfere with the Jedi mission of keeping the peace. Will the Jedi succeed in keeping Anison with the Republic or will the Republic continue to crumble with the loss of not just Anison… but many other worlds?


I believe this book started off strong. Foster did a great job bringing in our heroes and giving us some good action moments. However, the story did become a bit of a chore to get through. The story certainly had it’s good moments and was a great concept. Yet, the execution of the story is rather dull and the story drags out so much! The novel could have easily been 100-150 pages less. I feel that a lot of the story was filler material, just fluff to meet a page or word count.

Our main characters are met with obstacle after ridiculous obstacle. We meet several locals on Anison, some were decent, while others were just far too silly to be taken serious.

The villains in the book are pretty dull. The situation/temptation of Anison leaving the Republic is far more interesting than the villains. At one point, Barriss is taken by two of the villainous natives, they are absolutely dumb. How she managed to be taken by these two idiots… is beyond me. However, she is able to open up their minds and cleanse them of their stupidity. They had a bit of a reawakening you could say. I didn’t mind this, because I just couldn’t handle the stupidity of these guys.

The dialogue between the characters is mostly good. I’ve never been a fan of the way many authors make natives or lower intelligent life forms speak so silly, with that typical caveman talk (Me no like you, you dumb dumb). However, the communication between the Jedi is more natural. I found the following quote from Luminara to be a really good line of dialogue when speaking to her padawan. Not only does it apply to just Star Wars or a Lightsaber, but in the real world with real weapons or threats:

“Anyone can handle a weapon. Reason is much more difficult to wield. Remember that, the next time you’re tempted to settle an argument with a lightsaber.”

Luminara and Barriss worked well as a team. They are good Jedi, but they did need saving often by Kenobi and Anakin. It was nice seeing how other Jedi and padawn view not just the relationship between Kenobi and Anakin, as they are a bit of an unusual duo; but how they see Anakin. Anakin has so much potential, but he’s cocky and is always questioning everything. The moments between Barriss and Anakin are all wonderful as well.

So, do I recommend that you read The Approaching Storm? Well, it’s certainly not the best story, but to get an idea on how others view Anakin and Kenobi, yes, read it.


This book receives a C+

Star Wars: Outbound Flight Expanded Universe Book Review

Star Wars: Outbound Flight Expanded Universe Book Review

Star Wars: Outbound Flight Book Review

Star Wars: Outbound Flight was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Timothy Zahn. This novel is the eighteenth novel on the Legends novel timeline. The tale takes place during the the Rise of the Empire Era. It takes place 27 years before A New Hope.


On the run from an angry Hutt, a smuggling group find themselves outside of known space. A mysterious, unfamiliar ship with an unknown race of people, put an end to the furious chase by the Hutt and bring the smugglers aboard one of their ships. Thrawn, of the Chiss alien race, calls on Car’das, the smuggler navigator, to basically be his assistant of sorts. Through Car’das, Thrawn learns of the Republic, and other cultural details. They were able to speak to each other through a language known by both cultures. The relationship between Thrawn and the foreign strangers, puts a wedge between himself, and other Chiss leaders.

Meanwhile, at the heart of the Republic, Jedi Master, Jorus C’baoth has pushed hard politically and against the Jedi council to achieve his goal, Outbound Flight. C’bouth wants to take a number of people along with a select number of Jedi and an extreme amount of living rations and supplies, far into the unknown regions for exploration and colonization. The stubborn Jedi wants to explore the greater galaxy and establish new territory for both the Jedi and the Republic. The mission will place individuals and Jedi as colonists on far off worlds. The Outbound Flight Vessel is made up of six giant dreadnaught ships, attached to a large core, full of supplies.

Darth Sidious interferes once word reaches him that a Jedi he’s rather fond of, is selected to take part in this mission that would send him out among the unknown stars. The duel stories with Thrawn and Jorus C’baouth collide in a crazy standoff that is so tense, you’ll wish this book put to film. Will Outbound Flight establish new colonies for the Republic? Will Thrawn Leave the Chiss people?



Jorus C’baoth: He is a no nonsense type Jedi Master. He’s extremely cocky and well, pretty darn rude. He doesn’t care what others think of him, and he’d rather apologize later rather than ask for permission, only… he wouldn’t apologize. He has no problem taking control and manipulating others into doing his bidding. C’bouth is dead set on taking Outbound Flight into the unknown regions of the galaxy and will do whatever he can to make it happen.

Thrawn: He comes from a race of blue folk, known as the Chiss. This race is unknown to the Republic. Thrawn’s formal name, is Mitth’raw’nuruodo. He’s a commander in the Chiss military, he’s very well organized and thorough. He mannerisms are well calculated. Once you’ve thought of something, odds are, Thrown has already thought of it, and many other calculations in his brain, narrowing down the conclusion to almost every detail of the matter at hand.


I loved this book! It was so awesome and a pleasure to read. Honestly, I was suffering a little Star Wars fatigue, but this novel reignited the enjoyment of Star Wars reading.

Timothy Zahn develops an alien race with interesting lore that expands the Star Wars universe outside of the known galaxy we are used to reading. Although this is his first appearance of Thrown in the expanded universe, chronologically speaking, he was introduced to the reading community long ago at the rebirth of sorts, of the Expanded Universe, in the Heir to the Empire “Thrawn Trilogy.

Thrawn is a unique character. Sometimes it’s a little too silly that he’s able to predict so much and be the nearly perfect character. For me, Thrawn was handled pretty good in this novel, but what made the book so wonderful for me, is the duel story lines taking place. Jorus C’bouth was such an interesting character. He’s unlike any other Jedi that I’ve read about. I loved to hate him. One of the moments between C’bouth and Thrawn was so tense, my eyes dried up from lack of blinking as I read.

I love the idea that there is space in the galaxy untouched by the Republic. Unknown alien species and technology exist that we are unfamiliar with. That unknown aspect is pretty cool when looking through the eyes of the new alien species, fearing that these strange people randomly show up in your territory and then find out about the Jedi, who weld some strange sorcery.

Timothy Zahn did a great job with describing all the details, painting an excellent minds eye visual of each scene and character interaction. Zahn built his little “sandbox” as they say, and I love everything he did with this story.

So, do I recommend that you read Outbound Flight? A big yes!


I will give this book an A+. This book may wear off some of that Star Wars fatigue if you’re suffering from such a thing.

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Star Wars: Cloak of Deception Book Review

Star Wars: Cloak of Deception Book Review

Star Wars: Cloak of Deception Book Review

Star Wars: Cloak of Deception was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, James Luceno. This novel is the fourteenth event on the Legends novel timeline..It takes place 32 years before A New Hope.


The Nebula Front, is an organization that takes issue with both the Republic on Coruscant and the Trade Federation. This group launches an attack against the Trade Federation and infiltrates one of their ships to steal a cache of Aurodium Ingots, a precious element.

The Trade Federation has a small security force of armed droids, which are powered by a central control unit on the Federation ships. The rise in attacks by groups such as the Nebula Front, has brought unrest and sparked debates as to the Republics reactionary roll to the terrorism. The senator from Naboo, advises the Chancellor of the Republic, that it may be a good idea to allow the Trade Federation to increase its own security droid force. The catch would be that trade would be subject to Republic trade taxation.

As the motion is introduced to the senate floor by Chancellor Valorem. The governing body has a mixed reaction to the idea of arming the Trade Federation and its taxation. Surely the price of goods would increase! Senator Palpatine calls for a Summit in Eradu, where the politicians can discuss matters further and work out the details. During this political mayhem, an assassination attempt is made on the Chancellor!

In this book, we learn how the Jedi overstep their bounds by getting to closely involved in political matters. This story is an important step into the Star Wars film saga. (The Legends Timeline)


In this novel we are introduced to a few familiar characters we see in the films, I’ll mention a few that are well known and one new character.

Finis Valorum: The chancellor of the Republic. His job is a stressful, difficult one. He’s calm and collected, but the burden of current events is heavy on him. He wants peace within the republic and

Cohl: He’s a mercenary, who took a job with the Nebula front. He’s tactical and thorough. The thought of retirement is pulling at him. However, the easy-going farm life may be just too dull for Cohl. Half his heart belongs to Rella, and the other half to action. He keeps getting himself sucked into more work for more credits.

Qui-Gon Jinn: He’s a Jedi master, inquisitive, and wise. He’s always focusing on the living force (the force that binds all living beings together) to guide him. Qui-Gon is stern and unafraid to confront the Jedi Council of his concerns. He’s a good master to his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, keeping him on his toes; everything is a lesson to be learned. Qui-Gon is a great detective, trusting his gut and the force. He seems to be aware of a darker force manipulating events across the galaxy.

Senator Palpatine: He’s a senator from Naboo, serving the Republic on the capital world, Coruscant. He plays as a trusty adviser to Valorum, the Chancellor of the Republic, but insures he must remain loyal to his home world, Naboo. Palpatine’s identity as a Sith, Darth Sidious is his secret. As the cloaked Dark Lord, he has allied with the Nemodian Trade-Federation, using them as a pawn to manipulate the galaxy to his design.


I enjoyed this book quite a bit. The political aspect was entertaining and easy to follow. I believe this novel borders on the genre of political thriller. It’s hard to talk about this book and not mention Episode I: The Phantom Menace; it’s an excellent build up to the film! Palatine is a master of disguise as he plays his role in the senate as a trusty servant to the Republic. Meanwhile, in the shadows he manipulates the galaxy to his twisted will.

I love how the author gives a character that we’ll read about way down the line in the legends canon, a little cameo. We learn a lot about Qui-Gon Jinn in this novel, it actually helps me understand and appreciate his character and personality. His perspective on the force is unique and defines who he is a Jedi.

The novel is a great prequel to The Phantom Menace as it gives a great introduction to the instability of the galactic republic and how the Trade Federation became so menacing.

So, do I recommend that you read Cloak of Deception? Yes! A wonderful buildup to Episode I: The Phantom Menace


I will give this book a B+. The politics and action is well balanced!

Star Wars: Maul Lockdown Book Review

Star Wars: Maul Lockdown Book Review

Star Wars: Maul – Lockdown Book Review

Star Wars: Maul – Lockdown is written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Joe Schreiber. This novel is the sixteenth event on the Legends novel timeline. The tale takes place during the Rise of the Empire Era. It takes place 33 years before A New Hope.


Darth Sidious sends his apprentice Darth Maul, to the prison colony, Cog Hive Seven. In this facility, prisoners are forced to fight each other, largely for gambling purposes. Maul is to seek out an individual known as Iram Radique, a dangerous and mysterious arms dealer, who somehow manages to run his crime ring behind bars.

Maul is given a false identity, a mercenary called Jagganath. He is to find this secretive individual, who no one really knows, and secure a nuclear device to place in the hands of a terrorist organization. The only other order Maul has from Darth Sidious, is to not use the force whatsoever.


Can Maul conquer the enemies placed before him? Will he find Radique? Will he get the weapon? Will he manage without the force? Darth Maul has quite the burden to bear.


While there are a ton of characters in this book, I’m only going to talk about one.

Darth Maul: He’s ferocious yet controlled. He’s a superior warrior and tested to the limit, he pretty much doesn’t have one. He is forbidden to use the force and he does a great job without it. I can’t imagine what damage he could do if he was allowed to use it. He’s focused and confident.


This book is dark and gritty. Like I said about Maul, he’s ferocious and controlled, which is what I hoped he would be. I liked the surprise appearance of Sidious and a certain someone who I won’t mention. Joe Schreiber brings in some gory moments, which is expected in a Schreiber book, he does it so well. The book could be categorized as a horror/thriller.

Honestly, I thought the book was kind of boring. It drags a bit and was a little repetitive. Even though the book felt really long and never ending, I was left irritated with the climax and abrupt ending. I think this story could have wrapped up a little better.

The concept of Cog Hive Seven was pretty neat though. Pitting the prisoners against each other in a gladiatorial fashion was cool.

So, do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Darth Maul – Lockdownt? Well, if you are someone who wants to explore Darth Maul as a character, yes. If you could care less about Darth Maul, no.


I will give this book a C. It was somewhat repetitive and felt like it took forever to get through.