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No Disintegration Policy

No Disintegration Policy

Warning: the following contains canon spoilers from the novel: From A Certain Point of View.

 The theory of Boba Fett being the one who fries Uncle Own and Aunt Beru has been busted. That’s a bit disappointing, but the origins are still cool.

The infamous “No disintegrations” comment refers to a time when Fett had a confrontation on Coruscant, with a few rebel spies. The spies attempt to wipe Boba Fett out with ion disrupters… little did they know Fett had a weapon accelerator. The only thing left at the scene was the standing bounty hunter and three piles of ash. Vader refused to pay out the Bounty to Fett because he prefers to have the corpses intact.

Top 10 Must Watch Horror Flicks

Top 10 Must Watch Horror Flicks


It’s that time of year again when all the goblins and ghouls creep out of the shadows. Every year in September, the hype for Halloween horror begins! Dressing up for the creepy day is fun, too bad it’s socially acceptable for only Halloween night. So to make the best of the season, watch some horror movies! Here are the top 10 horror flicks suggested by TheGeeksAttic!

Honorable Mentions

Alien (1979 – Directed by Ridley Scott)
The Shining (1980 – Directed by Stanley Kubrick)


Friday the 13th

(1980 – Directed by Sean S. Cunningham 

Probably the most popular slasher film ever. This isn’t just good to watch around Halloween, it can turn any Friday the 13th throughout the year, into a bloody good time! This film has the potential to keep you away from camp next Summer! Maybe even a large body of water.. like a murky lake.


The Fly

(1986- Directed by David Cronenberg)

Science is cool… until insects interfere with insane experiments that may bug you for a long time. I’ve always been freaked out by bugs, never had an interest in science either. Maybe The Fly had something to do with it.



(1978 – Directed by John Carpenter)

This one pretty much speaks for itself. Halloween, because… It’s Halloween. An unstoppable evil force is just slashing folks all over the neighborhood. Don’t worry about locking your door, this villain will stop at nothing to murder you.


The Witch

(2015- Directed by Robert Eggers)

The newest film in the list! This tale is super creepy. Yet, you may need the subtitles on for your first viewing. The old English accent can be tough to follow. This film will surely tingle your spine. It’ll probably keep you away from the woods as well.


The Thing

(1982- Directed by John Carpenter)

A classic, snowy, cozy, sci-fi horror! When things go bad in isolation and the outside world is shut out… It can be hard to trust those around you. This film has some wild effects and a chilling story.


Evil Dead

(1981- Directed by Sam Raimi)

One of the greatest B-movies ever! This cabin in the woods horror is cheesy, laughable, yet still horrifying. The body horror may stain your brain with disturbing nightmares. This film is the first in a trilogy. I highly recommend you check out Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness.


Exorcism of Emily Rose

(2005- Directed by Scott Derrickson)

This film was based on true events. Even though the original story was much different, this version will still scare you. Was Emily possessed by the devil? Or was she simply suffering from a medical condition? The original audio of the exorcism is on the web, if you dare listen… pray you don’t receive any unwanted curses that may be delivered through the disturbing language.


Pet Cemetery

(1989- Directed by Mary Lambert)

This Steven King adaption is fantastically freaky. It’s always sad when a loving pet is laid to rest. Once death sets in, let it alone… don’t disturb that final deep sleep. There is a scene in this film, that’s so disturbing, it may leave you nauseated.



(1996- Directed by Wes Craven)

A favorite among many! Scream is arguably the greatest slasher film ever! The ghost-faced villain likes to play mind games with his victims before planting the blade in their flesh. If you haven’t seen this “high-school horror drama” do yourself a favor and watch it now! But you should probably turn off your cellular phone first. If you don’t and someone calls from a mysterious number, asking you what your favorite scary movie is, hide.


The Conjuring

(2013- Directed by James Wan)

This film is crazy horrifying. A film based on case files by Ed and Lorraine Warren. Yes, there are a few “jump scares” accompanied by load noises. However, the realistic approach throughout most of the film is so creepy. This film has potential to teach you a few lessons… don’t be a play hide and seek with little kids, and never trust the scent of a fart in the dark.

Seriously though, this film is creepy and has one menacing opening score.

The Supreme Movie


(1984- Directed by Ivan Reitman)

I bet someone reading this list was wondering… where the heck is Ghostbusters?! Well, it’s right here… above the #1 film. Okay, so maybe this is cheating a bit. But, Ghostbusters is the Supreme Movie for Halloween and any other day throughout the year.

“TheGeeksAttic is biased when it comes to Ghostbusters,”

This is true.




Review – Love Letter – Recommendation 

Dragonslayer is a film I’ve been wanting to share with people for a very long time. Usually, when movies are brought up with friends, family, even acquaintances… I always ask, “have you seen Dragonslayer?”


Back in 1981, Disney and Paramount released an epic fantasy film that, well, didn’t do so well at the box office. However, it was nominated for two Academy Awards for Visual Effects and Original Score.  The film was written and directed by Matthew Robins, co-written by Hal Barwood and stars Peter MacNicol (Galen Bradwarden), Caitlin Clarke (Valerian), and Ralph Richardson (Ulrich). Ian McDiarmid, the Emperor from Star Wars, also makes an appearance! The music was composed by Alex North and will surely send you off to the fantasy realm, where dragons are real!


Check out this awesome trailer! Oh, and you can also rent it.

A Brief Review

Summary: The kingdom of Urland is kept safe, so long as a virgin girl is sacrificed to a mighty dragon. The people have had enough! A few villagers seek out a sorcerer brave enough to slay the dragon. The road is long and the clock is ticking for the next sacrifice to be chosen.

Characters:  I’ll only mention two characters for this review, Galen and Casiodorus.

Galen– the sorcerer’s apprentice. He longs to be powerful in the art of magic. When the path before him turns to darkness, he is the light that conquers the darkness.

Casiodorus Rex– The king of Urland. He’s made a deal with the devil, responsible for creating a lottery to select the sacrifice to feed the dragon and keep his kingdom safe.

Overall Thoughts: This is one of my favorite films of all time… I believe I made that clear earlier. It’s for sure a classic fantasy film loaded with magic, adventure, and hope. While some of the effects don’t hold up, the puppetry sure does. The coolest looking dragon to ever be seen on screen. Dragonslayer is certainly film you’ll want to watch over and over!

The music is fantastic! If you’re lucky, you may be able to find a copy of the soundtrack on amazon or eBay. The gritty look of the film is texture I miss in films today. Everything is so clean and polished looking. A huge thing that makes this film work, and why I think it’s classic that will never get old, is the simplicity of the story. Film doesn’t always have to be puzzle.

Rating: I give this film an A+

Galen Bradwarden

I love this film

DragonSlayer is one of my favorite films ever made. I dare say it’s my second favorite of all time, behind Ghostbusters. A shock to fans who probably assumed it was Star Wars! The film was released in 1981, so the effects by Industrial Light and Magic don’t all hold up today, though some of the visuals most definitely do. There have been more than a handful of dragons appering in film over the last few decades, but none are as impressive as Vermithrax Pejorative!


Click HERE to check out my Top 10 MUST WATCH Horror Films.

GEEKblog: Rey Is A Skywalker

GEEKblog: Rey Is A Skywalker

I have a new theory about The Last Jedi… that would be Rey Skywalker. Read it, think about it, share it if you’d like.

The big question in this new trilogy that everyone wants answered, is who the heck is Rey? A lot folks are guessing she’s a Skywalker, but folks are also saying Luke wouldn’t abandon his child. I think Luke did have a wife at some point, she has either died or they had simply parted ways. Here’s why I believe Luke actually did do such a horrible thing and abandon his own flesh and blood!

Luke Skywalker is hit pretty hard with the realization of how dangerous his family really is. His father, a dark Lord of the Sith. His nephew, Ben Solo, turns to the dark side, becoming Kylo Ren, and takes part in destroying the new Jedi order. Luke himself was tempted to dable in the dark side at one point.

So Luke has to make a decision, the one way he thinks he can put an end to the darkness and possibly bring balance to the force. He knows only one truth, according to the quote from The Last Jedi trailer, and that is that “it’s time for the Jedi to end.” He adopts his daughter out, far in the outer rim, to get her away from knowledge of the Force‬. To alter her destiny. He’s saddened by  what his bloodline has done, and terrified at what his own flesh and blood might become. He wants her to have no knowledge of the force, of the Jedi. He drops her off on Jakku because the planet is forgotten, it’s role in the galaxy fulfilled. Until the force awakens in the dessert hills.

The reason Luke has gone into seclusion? He’s abandoned everything and everyone he loves. He believes he has failed his family, himself, and the galaxy. It’s time for the Jedi to end. If the Sith are truly extinct, and the Jedi are no more, then maybe there will finally be balance in the force.

The truth will be revealed December 2017! My prediction for the title of Episode IX: Balance Of the Force

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The Force Awakens Skywalker Theory

The Force Awakens Skywalker Theory

A theory I just came up with: In The Force Awakens trailer, it is assumed that Kylo Ren is speaking to Darth Vader’s helmet when he says, “I will fulfill OUR destiny.”  What if he’s not speaking to the burnt up helmet? Maybe he’s speaking to his prisoner… Luke Skywalker! In the trailer, there is one shot where it looks like Kylo Ren is using the force on Poe Dameron.  Maybe he is using the force to extract a memory or some other important information about the Resistance. Maybe he’s been doing this to Luke as well.  We haven’t seen any footage of Luke, maybe it’s because he’s battered and beaten, wasting away in a prison cell by Kylo Ren.
Black Angel Short Film Insight and Review

Black Angel Short Film Insight and Review

Black AngelIf you like the Fantasy/Medieval genre, you may really enjoy the Black Angel short film.

Black Angel was a short film that played in select theaters before the screening of arguably the greatest Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back.

George Lucas called upon Roger Christian (Set Designer for Star Wars and Art Director of Alien) to come up with an idea for a program to play before Empire. Christian shared with Lucas a story he had written, called Black Angel. Lucas enjoyed the story so much that, in Christian’s words, it was was “commissioned on the spot.” He received a grant to shoot the film but had to scale the story back to work within the budget. With a small crew, filming began in Scotland, on its beautiful and remote locations.

When the storage facility holding the film “went down,” the negative of the film was lost. Luckily, a copy of the film has recently been found, restored, and remastered!

To some people, this 1980 Fantasy short film may be boring. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I find the dark and gritty tone extremely acceptable. It adds a mysterious element that makes this film seem bigger than it really is. The cinematography is great, the scenery – absolutely gorgeous. Even the music in this short film was great, it really set the mood. I only wish that new modern movies felt like this sometimes! Today, film is too shiny and depends heavily on CGI. I miss the charm these older Fantasy films had. The characters are very interesting, although we don’t get into much character development. I would like to know more about what happened and why it happened!

Black Angel 3

I am thrilled that this short film found its way onto YouTube. The short film is now being adapted into a full feature film, coming soon!