Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge – Black Spire was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Delilah S. Dawson. She also wrote the novel, Phasma. Galaxy’s Edge – Black Spire is a tie-in novel to Disney’s Star Wars theme park, Galaxy’s Edge. Delilah S Dawson tells a wonderful adventure story that takes hope to the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

SUMMARY: This tale takes place after the events of The Last Jedi. After the resistance suffered a terrible blow when the First Order reduced their numbers in a cat and mouse chase, through hyperspace. The small fleet desperately needs to increase its headcount along with a place to set up camp.

General Leia calls on Resistance spy Vi Moradi, who recently, just barely escaped with her life, along with a dying First Order Captain, from the clutches of the First Order. Moradi is to head to the planet Batuu, on the furthest reaches of known space, to set up a resistance base and recruit Resistance soldiers. She won’t go alone on this mission, her new partner is her former foe… Archex, formally known as Captain Cardinal.

Follow Resistance spy, Vi Moradi, as she goes on a wild escapade to find hope a home in the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

The mission falls flat when Moradi’s ship crashes on Batuu, on the outskirts of Black Spire Outpost. While Vi and Archex are unconscious and their droid wrecked to bits, their ship is raided and all their goods, including their long-range communication equipment, is stolen. Now Vi Moradi has to figure out a way to get back their lost supplies, recruit to her cause, and contact General Leia.

Oh… and figure out a way to work with the local gangster and fight against the First Order!

CHARACTER: From a line up of new characters and a few familiar, I’m mentioning two… slightly familiar.

Vi Moradi: Vi is a horrible spy. She wears a jacket with the resistance logo, and has her hair dyed with blue… when you’re a spy, you should blend in to your surroundings, don’t have logos on or near you. She talks too much, telling people she just meets that her mission is to recruit folks to the resistance She’s reckless, careless in fact. However, she’s put into a rough situation and manages to pull through.

Archex: He’s a wounded warrior, on the mend from a life-threatening poison. He’s seen, first hand, how the First Order can be. After the crash landing on Batuu, Archex feels helpless and he can’t stand it. The toll on his battle with Phasma has done serious permanent damage to his body. He can hardly do any physical activity for the resistance, which makes him feel more like a burden than a contributor. He’s loyalty to the Resistance is unclear, making it difficult to trust him.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Delilah S. Dawson delivers a fun, action-packed, high-stakes adventure! In my overall review section, I give my honest opinion. This novel is mostly easy to read, but for me, there are a few parts that I feel drag a little. Yet, the plot is simple, making the adventure feel like an enjoyable classic.

I had a hard time taking Vi Moradi serious. Her sarcasm at odd times and cockiness was a little much. If she’s one of the best in the Resistance, then yeah, the Resistance is in serious trouble. I didn’t like how this spy was so outspoken and flamboyant about who she was and what she was doing on the planet. Most of the other characters in the story were well written. Archex/Captain Cardinal was an interesting choice of character to bring back. I don’t know if bringing him back (pretty much from the dead) was really necessary. However, Archex does have a pretty cool moment in the book that might make you pump your fist in the air.

The dialogue isn’t too bad. Sometimes I think the sprinkled sarcasm from Vi Moradi (as mentioned before) was off putting. The Batuuan cultural greetings are a nice touch, making Batuu feel like a real place.

Dawson’s writing style in this novel was pretty straight forward, telling a linear story without cutting to past events. The book is good advertisement for Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge theme park, and it does fit in nicely with the overall Star Wars story, progressing events forward. Some of the writing was a little choppy, making the final climax come off like an 80’s or 90’s action movie. It was quick wrap up to a story that could have been a little shorter to build up to the final climax. Meaning, two opposing sides somehow knowingly expecting an event at specific time.A few story points felt a little repetitive, some events being too similar to each other multiple times… cut have cut some of that out.

There are a few teases and call backs that raise a few questions and stir excitement. Overall the book was pretty good despite the few dull and overly exaggerated moments.

Do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Black Spire by Delilah S. Dawson? Sure, especially if you have plans to visit Galaxy’s

RATING: I give this book B.

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