Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron was written by New York Times Bestselling Author, Alexander Freed. He also wrote the Rogue One novelization as well as Battlefront: Twilight Company.

SUMMARY: This story takes place after Return of the Jedi and the comic book, Shattered Empire. Emperor Palpatine is dead, yet his Sentinel Droid orders the remnants of the Empire to initiate Operation Cinder. Operation Cinder is the total destruction of planets using special technology to create apocalyptic storms which causes a planet to tear itself apart.

Yrica Quell, was once a special forces TIE pilot in the 204th unit A.K.A Shadow Wing. She has a change of heart and switches sides, joining the New Republic military. She joins a team made up of pilots that fly various ships, creating a new squadron… Alphabet Squadron.

CHARACTERS: This book brings an entirely new cast save for one, which is Herra Syndulla. However, I’m not going to talk about her.

Yrica Quell – Like I mentioned, she was once with the Empire, a pilot in Shadow WIng. She finds Operation Cinder a bit too evil. So she leaves the Empire and finds herself at Traitors Remorse, a kind of holding area for those who have abandoned their service to the Empire. She’s called on to work intelligence, to track down the destructive Shadow Wing unit. Until she finally proves her loyalty to the New Republic, and is granted access to an X-Wing.

Wyl Lark – He’s a human male, and pilots an A-Wing. He’s homesick but his loyalty to the cause is great. Although he’d like to do nothing more but return to his homeland, he pilots his A-Wing into battle to help burn the Empire to ash.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Alexander Freed is a master writer. He’s articulate, descriptive, and intelligent. He creates wonder dialogue and knows how to paint the scenery. The book starts off great! However, it fades off into a boring story.

The story starts off pretty strong, but in part two the story dragged and by part three, I was giving up on the story all together. I am looking forward to the second book, hoping it changes my views of this book.

I like that the book is full of a brand new cast of characters. Having the Sentinal droid show up from the comics was really cool!

So, do I recommend that you read Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron by Alexander Freed?

RATING: I will give this book a C.