Star Wars: Aftermath Empire’s End

Star Wars: Aftermath Empire’s End was written by Chuck Wendig, a New York Times Best Selling Author. It is the third and final installment in the Aftermath trilogy.

SUMMARY: All the characters from the previous Aftermath novels are present in this tale. Our team of heroes are on the search for Grand Admiral Sloane. They desperately want to find her, and bring her in, so justice can be served.. if they don’t decide to kill her first.

The antagonist, Sloane, is on a mission of her one to find out more about the mysterious Gallius Rax. She want’s to find out what his plans are for the Empire. She’s desperately wants to seize control for herself.

Finally, the Battle of Jakku takes place! This confrontation is the last desperate attempt for the Empire to recover, to heal its wounds before the rebellion/new republic takes them completely out.

CHARACTERS: Gallius Rax was interesting, in the previous book. In Empire’s End he remains mysterious, until the end. His character and his plans were a major let down.

The other characters were consistent and honest to who they were in the previous Aftermath books. They were just so boring, dramatic, or gay.

OVERALL THOUGHTS: Thank you Lord, this trilogy is over. I was really hoping this book was better than the previous books. Life Debt was better than the first book, this one sinks right back down to the crap of the first book.

The best part of the book was that it was fast paced. The rest of it, an intense build up to a major… major let down.

RATING: I will give this book a 0 of 5

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